 Translation for 'exploring' from English to Russian
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NOUN   exploring | explorings
VERB   to explore | explored | explored
exploring | explores
исследование {с}exploring
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Translation for 'exploring' from English to Russian

исследование {с}
Usage Examples English
  • One of Rudman's primary interests is in exploring implicit ways of assessing attitudes, stereotypes, self-concept and identity.
  • The possible needs can be: continue exploring grief and loss of heterosexual life expectation, continue exploring internalized homophobia and biphobia (learned shame from heterosexist society).
  • The North Pacific Exploring and Surveying Expedition, also known as the Rodgers-Ringgold Expedition was a United States scientific and exploring project from 1853 to 1856.
  • Brenchley spent much of his adult life exploring the world in his tireless search for knowledge.
  • "Haunted History" is a 1998 UFA/Cafe Productions series exploring the supernatural.

  • It stuck, and he changed the name of his channel to Exploring with Nug as he started exploring more and doing less metal detecting.
  • During the pandemic of 2020 the band stopped meeting in person for long stretches of time and began exploring sampling and beat making.
  • In a 2020 op-ed for "The New York Times", journalist and political correspondent Jamelle Bouie argued that the recent emphasis on exploring white fragility siphoned crucial energy from white people inwardly, towards their own behavior, instead of funneling resources and time into exploring wealth inequality and other harmful consequences of white supremacy.
  • "FightWorld" is an 2018 American docu-series, exploring the diverse fighting techniques found in cultures around the world.
  • Since the late 1980s, Larry Miller has questioned such boundaries in works exploring issues raised by science, exploring subjects as diverse as DNA, hypnosis and turning ordinary chocolate and carrots into art objects.

  • Astrup helped develop techniques for exploring the polar districts, such as carrying equipment on dog sleds, combined with skiing.
  • These methods do not extend naturally to exploring continuous state spaces.
  • After many years of work and negotiations by Cambusbarron Community Development Trust, 64 hectares on the eastern half of Gillies Hill was brought into community ownership in August 2019 to enhance its use for walking, exploring, mountain biking, horse riding, orienteering and generally exploring to appreciate the nature and wildlife of the area.
  • This flexibility is important when exploring computation tradeoffs between the level of detail, computation time, available data, and overall size or dimensionality of parametric spaces.
  • In 2018, BBC Sounds released Ballad of Harry Stokes, a podcast exploring Stokes's life.

  • Rapidly exploring dense trees is a family of planning algorithms that includes the rapidly exploring random tree.
  • A You Tube video called Exploring the Yuba River Mines depicts a plucky member of TVR Exploration exploring the Maybert area and the Yuba Mine. It contains fascinating images of the mine underground.
  • Transfer appropriate processing theory has also been shown to be particularly valuable in exploring the organisation of memory, the workings of prospective memory – remembering to carry out previously planned actions, and in exploring how people learn to read fluently.
  • In the 1820s the HBC sent trading, trapping, and exploring parties south into the Willamette Valley and beyond, eventually reaching California (Mexican Alta California at the time).
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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