Translation for '
extract' from English to Russian
NOUN | an extract | extracts | |
VERB | to extract | extracted | extracted extracting | extracts | |
SYNO | excerpt | excerption | extract | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- The 'YM' of the name stands either for 'Yeast and Mold', or 'Yeast extract-Malt extract' depending on the source.
- A(extract) is the peak area of analyte, when diluted with matrix extract.
- Rat studies have evaluated effects of kanna extract, finding analgesic and antidepressant potential. No adverse results were noted for a commercial extract up to 5000 mg/kg daily in rats.
- A partial mash differs from an extract brew in that the extract remains enzymatically active.
- Agricultural Seed Company advertisement extract referencing Clarinda, Iowa radio station KSO.gif|thumb|left|250px|A 1926 advertisement extract noted KSO's "Keep Serving Others" slogan.
- No treatment-related adverse effects were observed in an oral toxicity study in rats of a standardized hydroethanolic extract of "M.
- Stellar engines are a class of hypothetical megastructures whose purpose is to extract useful energy from a star, sometimes for specific purposes.
- Extract, transform, load (ETL) and extract, load, transform (ELT) are the two main approaches used to build a data warehouse system.
- The ingredients in Cricket Cola include: Kola nut extract, green tea concentrate, vanilla extract, primarily sweetened with cane sugar.
- Grape seed extract is an industrial derivative of whole grape seeds.
- Tilden's Extract was a 19th-century medicinal cannabis extract, first formulated by James Edward Smith of Edinburgh.
- One example of this is the "Echinaster echinophorus" which has been studied for its methanolic extract.
- In the lab, "A. giganteus" has been cultivated on both Czapek yeast extract agar (CYA) plates and Malt Extract Agar Oxoid® (MEAOX) plates, as shown below.
- Liebig Extract of Meat Company ran a very large and influential beef extract factory in Fray Bentos for 100 years.
- It is also possible to extract new model starting from a particular time during the simulation, open trends and extract data from the simulation in Microsoft Excel documents.
- Kaldi scripts can certainly extract fMLLR features on different dataset, below are the basic example steps to extract fMLLR features from the open source speech corpora Librispeech.
- According to a Japanese study of 1996, the albedo extract of the Lumia, was shown to possess the highest inhibitory activity against cyclooxygenase (IC50 = 24 μg/mL), among other citrus studied.
- It is used as an herbal remedy in the form of an extract called "Seanol", a polyphenolic extract, and "Ventol", a phlorotannin-rich natural agent.
- The current ingredients of Camp Chicory & Coffee are sugar, water, chicory extract (25%) and dried coffee extract (4%).
- Santos has reported in vitro and ex vivo anti-cholinesterase activities of "Erythrina" velutina leaf extracts, containing a relatively high fraction of the alkaloids.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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