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Usage Examples English
- In extreme events such as sexual abuse, extreme anxiety or mistreatment, children can in fact be greatly subjected to suggestibility.
- Extreme anxiety can affect development, especially if a child is so terrified that they will not explore new environments and hinder themselves from learning.
- Heddle was born in Trail, British Columbia, During this time, she suffered extreme anxiety and apprehension during major races.
- On October 22, 2009, the Pick Up the Phone Tour was cancelled after Furstenfeld was admitted to a hospital for an extreme anxiety attack, though the band still played two November dates in Austin.
- After a male has experienced a sexual assault, there have been many reported incidences of negative effects such as suicidal thoughts, depressive episodes, sexual dysfunctions, feelings of self-worthlessness, extreme anxiety and guilt which end up putting a strain on their future relationships.
- Before he started graduate school at University of Michigan he developed extreme anxiety.
- In July 2019, Mina took a break from activities due to her sudden extreme anxiety and insecurity problems in performing on stage. She resumed her activities in February 2020.
- "Billy and the Kids" tells the story of an overstayer from Nauru, an extreme anxiety sufferer, an Afghani refugee, a young run away and truant teens who've all found a safe haven at Billy's gym.
- Psychological symptoms include extreme anxiety when exposed to wind, feelings that the wind may harm or hurt the individual, and a compulsion to avoid encountering wind.
- As an adult, she still felt extreme anxiety about being excluded from groups and events.
- 6 from 10 fill extreme anxiety about the issue. Similar number felt betrayed by older generations and governments.
- Individuals with extreme anxiety and their family members may resort to physical methods to prevent the believed retraction of the penis.
- A student commits suicide because of extreme anxiety over pressure from his dad to get good grades.
- In addition, this behavior can result in maladaptive coping skills and may lead to personal problems that induce extreme anxiety, distress, or depression and result in impaired psychosocial functioning.
- Individuals experiencing extreme anxiety may manifest panic attacks with symptoms that resemble those of heart attacks.
- He produces extreme anxiety in Principal Skinner, who offers increasingly improbable excuses for the problems.
- Westphal's contributions to medical science are many; in 1871 he coined the term "agoraphobia", when he observed that three male patients of his displayed extreme anxiety and feelings of dread when they had to enter certain public areas of the city.
- Short-term sessions of sensory deprivation are described as relaxing and conducive to meditation; however, extended or forced sensory deprivation can result in extreme anxiety, hallucinations, bizarre thoughts, temporary senselessness, and depression.
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