 Translation for 'failed state' from English to Russian
NOUN   a failed state | failed states
несостоявшееся государство {с}
failed state
Partial Matches
потерпевший неудачу {adj} {past-p}failed
буферное государство {с}
buffer state
государственный визит {м}
state visit
колеблющийся штат {noun}
swing state
колеблющийся штат {noun}
battleground state
колеблющийся штат {noun}
purple state
государственная пенсия {ж}state pension
ужасное состояние {с}terrible state
государственный экзамен {м}
state examination
штат {м}state [country]
колеблющийся штат {noun}
toss-up state
негосударственный актор {м}
non-state actor
чрезвычайное положение {с} <чп>state of emergency
ультрасовременный {adj}state-of-the-art
изменённое состояние {с} сознания
altered state of consciousness
государственный секретарь {м} [в США]
Secretary of State [Am.]
излагать что-л. [несов.] [вопрос, факты, мнение и пр.]to state sth. [expound, set out]
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Usage Examples English
  • Georgia continued its economic progress since, "moving from a near-failed state in 2003 to a relatively well-functioning market economy in 2014".
  • The Persian king used this as an example to his nobles of a failed state since no “real state could exist that was governed by a woman.” Similarly, the Gothic king Theodahad expressed in a letter to Theodora that confirmed that “you exhort me to bring first to your attention anything I decide to ask from the triumphal prince, your husband.” Even the Emperor himself is quoted before issuing a decree that he had discussed it with “our most august consort whom God has given us.” All of these examples offend Procopius’s sense of propriety.
  • This applied not only to members of al Qa'ida but the entire Taliban, because, they argued, Afghanistan was a "failed state".
  • A failed state is a state that has lost its effective ability to govern its populace.
  • He was also served as chair of a failed state constitutional convention in 1960 and was a member of the Governor's Commission on Mental Health.

  • Following a failed state assembly bid in 1854, when he ran with Col.
  • Others point out that tax competition between countries bears no relation to competition between companies in a market: consider, for instance, the difference between a failed company and a failed state—and that while market competition is regarded as generally beneficial, tax competition between countries is always harmful.
  • He has also suggested that Papua New Guinea risks becoming a failed state.
  • In the early 1990s, due to the protracted lack of a permanent central authority, Somalia began to be characterized as a "failed state".
  • Its lyrics are largely anti-gypsy, yet when anyone leaves the country, the border security gives citizens and tourists the gypsy curse, and it rubs in the fact that the country is a failed state.

  • As far as Ganilau and Bainimarama were concerned, Fiji under Qarase was sliding headlong down a slippery slope towards a divided society with the spectre of a failed state looming large on the horizon.
  • Lebanonization is a pejorative political term meaning the process of a country degenerating into a civil war or failed state in reference to the Civil war, first used by Israeli president Shimon Peres in 1983, referring to Israeli minimization of its presence in Lebanon following the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
  • The J is steeper on the left hand side, as it is easier for a leader in a failed state to create stability by closing the country than to build a civil society and establish accountable institutions; the curve is higher on the far right than left because states that prevail in opening their societies (Eastern Europe, for example) ultimately become more stable than authoritarian regimes.
  • Ongoing discussions divide scholars into separate groups either claiming or disclaiming the resemblance between narco-states and failed states.
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