 Translation for 'fifty eight' from English to Russian
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пятьдесят восемьfifty-eight
Partial Matches
пятьдесят девятьfifty-nine
пятьдесят семьfifty-seven
пятьдесят шестьfifty-six
пятьдесят пятьfifty-five
пятьдесят четыреfifty-four
пятьдесят триfifty-three
пятьдесят дваfifty-two
пятьдесят одинfifty-one
восемьсотeight hundred
восемьдесят восемьeighty-eight
тридцать восемьthirty-eight
двадцать восемьtwenty-eight
восемь тысячeight thousand
сорок восемьforty-eight
шестьдесят восемьsixty-eight
семьдесят восемьseventy-eight
девяносто восемьninety-eight
в половине девятогоat half past eight
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The Cholula area has fifty eight preschools, sixty nine primary schools, fifty four middle schools, sixteen high schools, six technical/professional schools above the high school level and an extension of the Universidad de las Américas.
  • Charlton operated fifty-eight stores in the United States and Canada by the time of its merger with several other retailers to form the F.
  • It was fifty-eight by ten feet and took a carload of eggs to fill its 315,000-egg capacity that enabled the hatchery to set 105,000 eggs every week.
  • Since 1916, the county has been won by the winner of the presidential election in every election except that of 1988, held during the aftermath of a major drought and farm crisis, when Michael Dukakis won the county by fifty-eight votes.
  • There was one exception: On 5 April 1956, following two earlier incidents along the border with the Gaza Strip in which four Israeli soldiers were killed, the IDF shelled the centre of Gaza City with 120 mm mortars. Fifty-eight civilians were killed, including 10 children.

  • The black, white and Hispanic undergraduate populations each comprise more than a quarter of the student body, and Asian undergraduates make up 18 percent. Fifty-eight percent are female, and 28 percent are 25 or older.
  • Fifty-eight of the Democratic-Republican members of the United States Congress attended the first nominating caucus.
  • Six percent said Western powers built it and four percent thought it was a "bilateral initiative" of the Soviet Union and the West. Fifty-eight percent said they did not know who built it, with just 24 percent correctly naming the Soviet Union and its then-communist ally East Germany.
  • Prior to the Normandy landings on D-Day in June 1944, the Allies knew the locations of all but two of Germany's fifty-eight Western Front divisions.
  • Faray had a population of eighty-two in 1861, falling to fifty-eight by 1891.

  • In August 1908, fifty-eight families of displaced Afrikaners left Nakuru for the Uasin Gishu plateau after a journey from South Africa by sea and by rail from Mombasa.
  • The Japan Gold Disc Awards is an annual music awards ceremony established by the Recording Industry Association of Japan in 1987. Arashi has received fifty-eight awards.
  • 58 (fifty-eight) is the natural number following 57 and preceding 59.
  • Fifty-eight percent of people in Nauru are ethnically Nauruan, 26 percent are other Pacific Islander, 8 percent are European, and 8 percent are Han Chinese.
  • White missed a black off the spot, after which Hendry made a break of fifty-eight to clinch the title.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2024
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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