 Translation for 'flexitime' from English to Russian
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NOUN   flexitime | -
скользящий график {м}flexitime
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Translation for 'flexitime' from English to Russian

скользящий график {м}
Usage Examples English
  • The 4 days workweek was discussed in House of Lords on 5 September 2022 when Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle questioned if the government is considering the measure especially after Jacob Rees-Mogg announced a crack down on flexitime.
  • Flexitime: There are no fixed working hours at all, each worker decides in his work group on the best schedule.
  • His ideas and concepts caused him to be known as the "father of Flexitime" and led to the discussion on making working hours flexible be discussed across the then West Germany, and with time to find more and more implementation.
  • 7% of women were employed with flexitime arrangements in the United Kingdom, (Office for National Statistics 2003).
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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