Translation for '
flyover' from English to Russian
NOUN | a flyover | flyovers | |
SYNO | fly-by | flyover | flypast | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Hinkal flyover is popular since it is the first Flyover in Mysore.
- A railway flyover is under construction near Tidel Park. Peelamedu RS Flyover was opened in 2016 to avoid traffic congestion.
- In May 2009 construction of a new dual three-lane flyover at the junction of West Coast Highway and Clementi Road started.
- Benz Circle Flyover is a Flyover spanning the Benz Circle area in Vijayawada, India.
- The flyover is a four-laned overpass flyover bypassing the Ramanathapuram junction and Sungam junctions.
- The Garden Reach Flyover is a flyover connecting the Garden Reach area and Majerhat in the port area of South Kolkata.
- Coimbatore North Flyover is a flyover in coimbatore.
- The largest flyover in Bangladesh, located in Dhaka, "Mayor Mohammad Hanif Flyover", is named after him.
- Telugu Thalli Flyover (Asilmetta Flyover) is a flyover in the Indian city of Visakhapatnam. It was opened in the year 2013.
- This flyover has record of being first ever grade separated level II flyover in Punjab province of Pakistan.
- Jalan Kinabalu Flyover or Kinabalu Flyover is a flyover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was the first flyover built in the country after independence on 1957.
- Tindivanam flyover is states Second Railways Flyover.
- Batanagar Flyover ([...]; also known as Sampriti Flyover) is a flyover in the southern part of Kolkata.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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