 Translation for 'flyscreen' from English to Russian
оконная противомоскитная сетка {с}flyscreen
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Translation for 'flyscreen' from English to Russian

оконная противомоскитная сетка {с}
Usage Examples English
  • A small hole had been cut in the flyscreen of her window, but forensic tests revealed that it had been cut from the inside.
  • Traces of Kinniburgh's blood were later discovered on the back flyscreen door at Gangitano's home.
  • Security grilles and flyscreen doors have been installed on the north elevation.
  • The ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) is a pit latrine with a black pipe (vent pipe) fitted to the pit and a screen (flyscreen) at the top outlet of the pipe.
  • It is about a distractible young cat called Max who is obsessed with some fish in a bowl but continually leaves them to pounce on things including socks, shoelaces, and a lizard on a flyscreen but always returns to the bowl.

  • The main building has a wide, two-storey verandah that wraps around three facades and is partly enclosed to the eastern side on the ground floor with weatherboard and the first floor with fibre cement sheet and flyscreen.
  • All rooms have wide French windows with broad fanlights opening onto the verandah with timber framed flyscreen doors.
  • The remaining windows are merely openings that are sealed with flyscreen and can only be closed by bringing down the timber awning shutters, which are propped open with pieces of timber dowel.
  • The ground floor has a U-shaped timber verandah with a corrugated iron roof which has been enclosed with flyscreen to the west and glazing to the east.
  • On one side of the walkway is the dairy, a small flyscreen and timber lattice-enclosed room with timber shelving.

  • The purpose of the flyscreen is to prevent passage of flies and mosquitoes; therefore, the mesh is not larger than [...].
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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