Translation for '
freedom' from English to Russian
NOUN | a freedom | freedoms | |
SYNO | exemption | freedom |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Albritton's 1985 presidential address to the APA, "Freedom of Will and Freedom of Action," distinguished freedom of action (the freedom to do what we will) from freedom of the will itself.
- Freedom House world map.png|thumb|330px|Country ratings from Freedom House's "Freedom in the World 2016" survey, concerning the state of world freedom in 2015.
- A 2018 study in "International Studies Quarterly" found that oil wealth was associated with weaker private liberties (freedom of movement, freedom of religion, the right to property, and freedom from forced labor).
- On March 14, 2019 the European Parliament adopted a resolution in which it condemned the Iranian violations to human rights, freedom of expression, fair trial, freedom of the press, freedom of thought and freedom of religion.
- During World War II, the Allies—known formally as the United Nations—adopted as their basic war aims the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom from want.
- Other important fields in which freedom is an issue include economic freedom, academic freedom, intellectual freedom, scientific freedom and political freedom.
- The Deutsche Journalisten Verband grants annually the "International Press Freedom" award ("Pressefreiheit Preis") to journalists who have distinguished themselves worldwide in the cause of freedom of information, freedom of speech and freedom of press.
- Several state library organizations and associations possess Intellectual Freedom Committees, which routinely handle issues of intellectual freedom and the freedom of information.
- Internet freedom is an umbrella term that encompasses digital rights, freedom of information, the right to Internet access, freedom from Internet censorship, and net neutrality.
- We are the great freedoms of humanity: freedom of thought, freedom of press, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech in whose presence tyranny and falsehood cannot long survive.
- The purpose of the museum, funded by the Freedom Forum [...] nonpartisan U.S.
- Also included is an outline of the five freedoms guaranteed to animals : freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition; freedom from discomfort due to environment; freedom from pain, injury and diseases; freedom to express normal behaviour for the species; freedom from fear and distress.
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