 Translation for 'gabbro' from English to Russian
NOUN   gabbro | gabbros
габбро {с} [нескл.]
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Translation for 'gabbro' from English to Russian

габбро {с} [нескл.]геол.
Usage Examples English
  • Earlier during the Sveconorwegian orogeny, mafic rocks (gabbro-diorite) were emplaced.
  • Copper-nickel mineralization at the mine is associated with semi-massive to disseminated pyrite at the lower contact between altered gabbro and rhyolite of the Temagami Greenstone Belt.
  • Norite also known as orthopyroxene gabbro. Norite may be essentially indistinguishable from gabbro without thin section study under the petrographic microscope.
  • Hornblende gabbro is an intrusive rock similar to normal gabbro (gabbro "sensu stricto").
  • The Roosevelt Gabbros has three named members, being the Glenn Creek Gabbro, the Sandy Creek Gabbro, and the Mount Sheridan Gabbro.

  • The complex is made up of gabbro and syenite, but more specifically a olivine-plagioclase gabbro and clinopyroxene-plagioclase gabbro.
  • The rocks of batholith include granite, leucogranite, tonalite, granodiorite, diorite, gabbro and mafic dykes.
  • Baltimore Gabbro Complex is a hypersthene gabbro with subordinate amounts of olivine gabbro, norite, anorthositic gabbro, and pyroxenite.
  • Both locations are on the Pine Hill intrusion, a section of gabbro-based rock that oozed as magma into the surrounding rock and then solidified there, eventually becoming exposed as the softer rock around them eroded away.
  • Rock types include picrite, peridotite, dunite, pyroxenite, gabbro and granophyre.

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