 Translation for 'gender' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a gender | genders
SYNO gender | grammatical gender | sex | ...
род {м}
равенство {с} полов
gender equality
равноправие {с} полов
gender equality
гендерные исследования {мн}
gender studies [treated as sg. or pl.]
гендерная социология {ж}
sociology of gender
5 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • There is still controversy regarding the best approach for gender nonconforming children, but as gender nonconformity becomes more widely accepted many parents and professionals have identified things that gender variant or gender nonconforming children need to easily adjust to their transformation.
  • Gender-affirmative practices emphasize gender health. Gender health is an individual's ability to identify as and express the gender(s) that feels most comfortable without fear of rejection.
  • SSSS has also published a statement of support for transgender, gender non-conforming, and gender expansive youth, and defending their access to gender-affirming care.
  • Gender-related violence or gender-based violence includes any kind of violence directed against people due to their gender or gender identification.
  • Her latest gender rights films Son Rise and Daughters of Mother India are changing the narrative on gender inequality and gender justice globally.

  • Her work focuses on the following topics: Sociological and psychoanalytical-socio- psychological gender research, in particular: Analyzes of socialization and gender, social psychology of gender relations, gender relations in the educational sector, gender relations in families.
  • Gender Inclusive Housing is for students interested in living with people of all gender identities and expressions.
  • FEMNET has found that it is critical to involve men in the fight for gender equality.
  • Lopit has grammatical gender: all nouns belong to either the feminine or masculine gender, but most nouns are not marked overtly for gender.
  • Professor De la Rey's research focused on race and gender, especially the construction of gender and gender-based violence.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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