 Translation for 'general knowledge' from English to Russian
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NOUN   general knowledge | -
SYNO general knowledge | public knowledge
общая эрудиция {ж}general knowledge
жажда {ж} знанийthirst for knowledge
знания {мн}knowledge {sg} [things­ learnt]
генерал {м}
генеральное консульство {с}consulate general
генеральный консул {м}consul general
вообще {adv} [не касаясь частностей]in general
общеобразовательный {adj}general education [attr.]
8 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • suggests that it should be possible to determine whether subject-matter is excluded under Article 52(2) EPC without any knowledge of the state of the art (including common general knowledge).
  • Even though, in general, ordinary relations between directors and shareholders in a business corporation are not of such a fiduciary nature as to make it the duty of a director to disclose to a shareholder general knowledge regarding the value of the shares of the company before he purchases any from a shareholder, some cases involve special facts that impose such duty.
  • Test items vary from being based on abstract-reasoning problems to concentrating on arithmetic, vocabulary, or general knowledge.
  • ... 234) writes that taken together they are "unique in their verve, breadth of economic and general knowledge, mastery of setting, and generosity of allusions to predecessors".
  • It is general knowledge that one participates in online communities to interact with society and develop relationships.

  • On the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), Bakke scored in the 97th percentile in scientific knowledge, the 96th percentile in verbal ability, the 94th percentile in quantitative analysis, and the 72nd percentile in general knowledge.
  • It starts off with a course in digital electronics and microcomputer principles (assuming some general knowledge in electronics) and then presents a large number of block diagrams and partial circuit schematics, covering most of the computer, along with detailed explanations of how it works and why certain solutions were chosen.
  • The aim of the column, and now the website, is to spread general knowledge and everyday rational thinking, using a very strong and characteristically quirky sense of humor - some of it self-deprecating.
  • Furthermore, there are several general-education schools (meaning that general knowledge is taught there in contrast to occupation-specific knowledge) and vocational schools, among them three grammar schools, the "Gymnasium Salzgitter-Bad", the "Gymnasium am Fredenberg" and the "Kranich-Gymnasium", the latter two located at Salzgitter-Lebenstedt.
  • While there are many people who work with metal such as farriers, wheelwrights, and armorers, in former times the blacksmith had a general knowledge of how to make and repair many things, from the most complex of weapons and armor to simple things like nails or lengths of chain.

  • The second stream, "beki'ut" ("expertise"), seeks to build general knowledge of the Talmud.
  • Texas students are administered the STAAR test, a review of general knowledge, which can determine students' promotion to the next grade level.
  • One type of university education is a liberal arts education, which can be defined as a "college or university curriculum aimed at imparting broad general knowledge and developing general intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum."
  • The steps for teaching with analogies are as follows: Step one is introducing the new topic that is about to be taught and giving some general knowledge on the subject.
  • He perhaps had a general knowledge of the false decretals, but did not base his view of the law upon them and owed his knowledge of them solely to documents that came to him from the Frankish Empire.

  • Clues are usually arithmetical expressions, but can also be general knowledge clues to which the answer is a number or year.
  • An unsold 1985 game show pilot hosted by Jim McKrell, entitled "Split Decision," had contestants playing the game Acey Deucey while answering general knowledge questions.
  • Word grammar is an example of cognitive linguistics, which models language as part of general knowledge and not as a specialised mental faculty.
  • In this way he turned the Three-age System from being an evolutionary scheme based on intuition and general knowledge into a system of relative chronology supported by archaeological evidence.
  • ") is a playful song, testing the general knowledge of the children (and the adults).

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