 Translation for 'general' from English to Russian
ADJ   general | more general | most general
NOUN   a general | generals
SYNO cosmopolitan | ecumenical | full general | ...
генерал {м}
общеобразовательный {adj}general education [attr.]
вообще {adv} [не касаясь частностей]in general
генеральный консул {м}consul general
генеральное консульство {с}consulate general
общая эрудиция {ж}general knowledge
6 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The Argentine Army does not use the rank of brigadier-general, instead using brigade general (...) which in turn is the lowest general officer before Divisional General (...) and Lieutenant General (...).
  • In 1955, he joined the Renault Group, holding various posts: director-general for production (1964), industrial director general (1967), assistant general director (1971) and general director (1976).
  • The Commandant General Royal Marines has held the rank of major general since 1996, when the post was downgraded from lieutenant general.
  • General-officer ranks typically include (from the most senior) general, lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier general, although there are many variations like division general or (air-, ground-) force general.
  • The church holds a general conference every four years at which major policy issues for the denomination as a whole are addressed.

  • 1885 boundaries were also used in the 1886 general election, the 1892 general election, the 1895 general election, the 1900 general election, the 1906 general election, the January 1910 general election and the December 1910 general election.
  • The rank of general may, as a sign of special recognition, include a service branch: those historically used were general of infantry (...), general of cavalry (...) and general of artillery (...).
  • The same boundaries were used in the 1922 general election, the 1923 general election, the 1924 general election, the 1929 general election, the 1931 general election, the 1935 general election and the 1945 general election.
  • Harstad (Gen. Fleischers gate), Bodø (General Fleischers gate), Bardufoss (General Fleischers veg) and Eiksmarka (General Fleischers vei) all have streets named after the general.
  • The rank scheme provided for three more higher general officer ranks: Heneral-Poruchnyk (Major General), Heneral-Polkovnyk (Lieutenant General), and Heneral-Pikhoty (General with Four Stars).

  • General (...) is a four Star general officer rank in the Bangladesh Army.
  • Jenkins was promoted to general on 30 August 2022, skipping the rank of lieutenant general, Jenkins also became Commandant General Royal Marines on 25 November, succeeding Lieutenant General Robert Magowan.
  • General Polavieja was relieved on April 23, 1897, by General Primo de Rivera as captain-general of the Philippines.
  • This is a complete list of United States Marine Corps lieutenant generals on active duty before 1960.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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