Translation for '
generosity' from English to Russian
NOUN | a generosity | generosities | |
SYNO | generosity | generousness | unselfishness |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Valerius gives examples of generosity in Book 5 Chapter 8.
- Where battling neighbors try to outdo each other with holiday generosity.
- Emperor Shizong was known both for his generosity as well as for his martial prowess.
- Mordecai was known for his intellect, generosity, and story telling.
- Steve Grayson's generosity portrayed in the film was based loosely on Presley's real-life generosity, in which Presley would give cars, homes, and other expensive items to Memphis Mafia members (the media's nickname for his close group of friends and coworkers), family and friends, and even total strangers.
- Of generosity, mildness, justice, and universal candour.
- Generous is an adjective form of generosity.
- A study on generosity in children indicated that initially children favored generous individuals, but that this preference was reduced when the child's own generosity was not as good as another child's.
- She is renowned for her generosity towards other scholars and mentoring of new researchers.
- Aktipis co-directs the Human Generosity Project with Dr.
- 13. Generosity – Thomas and Richard encounter people in great poverty, and marvel at the generosity of a starving young boy who shares Hawke's offering of bread with his siblings.
- Solomon is commemorated for the generosity he provided to Mary MacKillop.
- He showed generosity in devoting to public purposes much of his property about Birmingham.
- The school has six core values: kindness, perseverance, awareness, generosity, honesty, and independence.
- Raja Zeeshan AKA King of Farash is known for his generosity and kindness.
- The science of generosity initiative at the University of Notre Dame is investigating the sources, origins, and causes of generosity; manifestations and expressions of generosity; and consequences of generosity for both the givers and receivers involved.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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