 Translation for 'graticule' from English to Russian
NOUN   a graticule | graticules
SYNO graticule | reticle | reticule
координатная сетка {ж}graticule
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Translation for 'graticule' from English to Russian

координатная сетка {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • Digital oscilloscopes generate the graticule digitally. The scale, spacing, etc., of the graticule can therefore be varied, and accuracy of readings may be improved.
  • PSDs can be measured microscopically by sizing against a graticule and counting, but for a statistically valid analysis, millions of particles must be measured.
  • In enlarging, this is achieved by mounting an angled front-silvered mirror on a small plinth and using a strong magnifying eyepiece and graticule to examine the reflected virtual image.
  • Light from an illuminated target graticule at the focus of an objective lens is directed towards the lens by a beam splitter.
  • This is also used as the base for the word graticule, passing through French.

  • Most oscilloscopes have a graticule as part of the visual display, to facilitate measurements.
  • This series is used to define the scales for graphs and for instruments that display in a two-dimensional form with a graticule, such as oscilloscopes.
  • A graticule (...), on a map, is a graphical depiction of a coordinate system as a grid of lines, each line representing a constant coordinate value.
  • On older vectorscopes that use cathode ray tubes (CRTs), the graticule was often a silk-screened overlay superimposed over the front surface of the screen.
  • A graticule is another term for reticle, frequently encountered in British and British military technical manuals, and came into common use during World War I.

  • The figure on the left shows how a transverse cylinder is related to the conventional graticule on the sphere.
  • For small or microscopic objects, microphotography where the length is calibrated using a graticule can be used.
  • USGS topographic quadrangle maps are marked with grid lines and tics around the map collar which make it possible to identify locations on the map by several methods, including the graticule measurements of longitude and latitude, the township and section method within the Public Land Survey System, and cartesian coordinates in both the State Plane Coordinate System and the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system.
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