Translation for '
groundhog' from English to Russian
NOUN | a groundhog | groundhogs | |
SYNO | groundhog | Marmota monax | woodchuck |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- General Beauregard Lee is a groundhog in the US state of Georgia widely considered to be the Groundhog Day weather prognosticator for the Southern United States.
- Fauquier is located along the Groundhog River. The main community landmark is a roadside statue of a groundhog.
- A groundhog known as Punxsutawney Phil is kept in nearby Young Township, and is said to predict the weather annually on Groundhog Day, February 2.
- Groundhog Day (February 2) is celebrated in Hope on the town square with local dignitaries in costume viewing the prediction of a local groundhog, currently Hope the Groundhog, or her brother Frank, from the local Utopia Wildlife Rehabilitators.
- On February 2, 2020, a commercial starring Murray aired during the Super Bowl referencing his role in the film Groundhog Day as Phil, with him stealing the groundhog and driving him to various places in the orange Jeep Gladiator.
- A popular North American tradition is Groundhog Day, in which on February 2 each year a groundhog is used to predict whether there will be an early spring.
- In 2010, Val-d'Espoir became the site of the famous Groundhog Day where Fred, Quebec's official groundhog, makes his annual predictions of the arrival of spring.
- According to the legend of Groundhog Day, the groundhog's behavior is a way of forecasting the weather. If the groundhog sees his shadow, it will mean that winter is to continue for six more weeks.
- Fred la marmotte (found dead February 2, 2023) was a groundhog located in Val-d'Espoir near Percé, Quebec, whose behaviour was used to predict weather on Groundhog Day.
- "The Groundhog Way" – Hal anticipates snow for his birthday.
- The Inner Circle scripts the Groundhog Day ceremonies in advance, with the Inner Circle deciding beforehand whether Phil will see his shadow.
- One theory states that the groundhog naturally comes out of hibernation in central Pennsylvania in early February because of the increasing average temperature.
- In 2018, Sam bit the finger of CBC reporter Brett Ruskin when the reporter grabbed the groundhog to stop Sam from climbing out of the groundhog enclosure.
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