 Translation for 'heavy fine' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a heavy fine | heavy fines
крупный штраф {м}heavy fine
Partial Matches
тяжёлый {adj}heavy
тяжеловоз {м} [лошадь]
heavy horse
хеви-метал {м}
heavy metal
изящные искусства {мн}
fine arts
(денежный) штраф {м}fine [penalty]
утончённый {adj}fine [refined]
постоянная {ж} тонкой структуры <α>
fine-structure constant <α>
сильный {adj} [о буре, дожде, огне]heavy [about storm, rain, fire]
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Usage Examples English
  • The court ordered Kazaa's owners to take steps to prevent its users from violating copyrights or else pay a heavy fine.
  • He died after 23 December 1335 and before 23 January 1336 at Arrouède, having just been sentenced to a heavy fine by the "Parlement" of Paris for having instigated a series of murders and other crimes in the counties of Armagnac and Astarac.
  • The court ordered Kazaa's owners to take steps to prevent its users from violating copyrights or else pay a heavy fine.
  • For their support of the Persians, the islanders were later punished by the Athenian war leader Themistocles, who exacted a heavy fine.
  • The destruction of the Phocian cities and the heavy fine imposed on the Phocian confederation certainly caused the Phocians to bear a grudge against Philip II.

  • For a while it looks as if Trevor will face prosecution or a heavy fine, and he reacts with typical hysteria at the prospect of going to prison.
  • Despite the annual value of Newstead being clearly below the £200 assigned as the limit for the suppression of the lesser monasteries, this priory obtained the doubtful privilege of exemption, on payment to the Crown of the heavy fine of £233 6s.
  • He was taken to court again in 2005 due to comments made in an interview, and was banned from publishing "Demain" or "Doumane" for a period of ten years, as well as being given a heavy fine.
  • "Before this latest incident, Zaki had already been fined considerably more than the average person in Britain earns in a year and he will now face another heavy fine".
  • Currently, entrance to Mercury carries a heavy fine for undergraduates.

  • Because of the intervention of Thomas Wolsey and Henry's affection for both his sister and Charles, the couple were given only a heavy fine They officially later married on 13 May 1515 at Greenwich Palace in the presence of King Henry VIII and his courtiers.
  • Authorities in Amsterdam found no difficulty in deciphering the political meanings behind Vondel's Classical allusions and imposed a heavy fine on the playwright.
  • If he fails to do so, the owner is sent a letter home with a heavy fine.
  • Iphicrates was acquitted but sentenced to pay a heavy fine. Afterwards, he remained at Athens until his death in about 353 BC (although according to some he retired to Thrace).
  • This included a heavy fine of £28 for Peter Meyrick at Ucheldref Farm.

  • The allocation of limited water is considered of sufficient importance to warrant the existence of the Secretariat of Dams and Water Resources, and damaging a source of water can be penalized by a heavy fine or imprisonment.
  • Olympiacos received a heavy fine from UEFA, who obliged the Greek Football Federation to find another team to replace Olympiacos, otherwise all Greek clubs would be banned from next season's European competitions.
  • In February 2009 the Czech parliament amended criminal law with an explicit ban on publishing any account of police wiretapping, under penalty of a heavy fine and years of imprisonment.
  • The annual value of this monastery was just under £200, the limit for the suppression of the lesser monasteries; but by paying the heavy fine of £166 13s.
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