Translation for '
heroic' from English to Russian
ADJ | heroic | more heroic | most heroic | |
SYNO | desperate | epic | expansive | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The International Traditional and Heroic Contest is an international competition of Iranian traditional and heroic sports.
- "La Secchia Rapita" (The kidnapped bucket) is a mock-heroic epic poem by Alessandro Tassoni, first published in 1622.
- In World War I, 50 soldiers died heroic deaths. In 1923, the village erected the very first heroic monument of Felső-Szabolcs from public donations.
- The Armed Forces Medal for Heroic Deeds (Forsvarets medalje for edel dåd) was instituted in 1982 for heroic deeds done while on active service for the Norwegian Defence Force.
- has been portrayed differently over his many appearances, being heroic at first, appearing as a villain secondly, and with a third portrayal as a mixture of the two, but largely heroic.
- "Śūraṅgama" means "heroic valour", "heroic progress", or "heroic march".
- The Beast Wars Shattered Glass story "Shattered Destiny" introduced a heroic incarnation of the Predacon Scorponok who served as part of a heroic crew of Predacons under Megatron.
- The playwight John Dryden wrote "The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards" in closed couplets of iambic pentameter, and in the "Preface" to the printed edition of the play, Dryden proposed a new genre of drama that celebrated heroic figures and heroic actions in metre and rhyme that emphasised the dignity of heroic action.
- Later scholars slightly changed the basic type of heroic novels or created subtypes that belong under the umbrella of the basic type to systematically categorize the numerous classic Korean novels.
- "Ermenrichs Tod" or "Koninc Ermenrîkes Dôt" (the death of king Ermenrich) is an anonymous Middle Low German heroic ballad from the middle of the sixteenth century.
- Greek men wore nudity as a costume when they were aspiring to be associated with the ideal, elite, aristocratic, or heroic.
- 1. A man who has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal among others.
- The Breton poet Théodore Botrel wrote a heroic poem about this version of the incident.
- Mock-heroic, mock-epic or heroi-comic works are typically satires or parodies that mock common Classical stereotypes of heroes and heroic literature.
- The Germanic (or "German") Heroic Age, so called in analogy to the Heroic Age of Greek mythology, is the period of early historic or quasi-historic events reflected in Germanic heroic poetry.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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