Translation for '
heron' from English to Russian
NOUN | a heron | herons / [also] heron | |
SYNO | Hero | Heron | Hero of Alexandria |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
9 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The Bermuda night heron ("Nyctanassa carcinocatactes") is an extinct heron species from Bermuda.
- An equally dangerous threat to their survival is competition with the squacco heron, which is spreading vigorously and seems to be more adaptable to man-made structures and icons that encroach on their habitat.
- The Bonin nankeen night heron ("Nycticorax caledonicus crassirostris") is an extinct subspecies of the nankeen night heron.
- The main bird species of the lake are Eurasian wigeon, grey heron, white heron, pochard, teal, and black-tailed godwit.
- 517 species of birds have been recorded, including two species of heron that are uncommon in other parts of the Amazon region, tricolored heron ("Egretta tricolor") and yellow-crowned night heron ("Nyctanassa violacea").
- "Strongyloides ardeae" is a parasitic roundworm infecting the small intestine of yellow-crowned night heron, "Nyctanassa violacea", and eastern green heron, "Butorides virescens".
- The Squacco Heron uses freshwater localities throughout Europe and the Middle East as breeding grounds to later migrate south to the Sub-Saharan African region.
- Traces of totemism still survive in their reverence for the red-backed heron. The heron is looked upon as the emblem of the community.
- Bebedero river's fauna consists of the boat billed night heron, American crocodile, green iguana, little blue heron juvenile, little blue heron and howler monkeys.
- Over 250 bird species have been recorded here including some interesting species such as Osprey, Eurasian Reed-Warbler, Purple Heron, Black heron and Hammerkop.
- The breeding population of migratory waterbirds arrive here between October and February and include: spot-billed pelican, Asian openbill stork, grey heron, purple heron, pond heron, little egret and great egret.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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