 Translation for 'herpetological' from English to Russian
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ADJ   herpetological | more herpetological | most herpetological
герпетологический {adj}
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Translation for 'herpetological' from English to Russian

герпетологический {adj}зоол.
Usage Examples English
  • Modern herpetological writers include Mark O'Shea and Philip Purser.
  • His donation of over 15,000 titles of herpetological literature formed the foundation for The Karl P.
  • He has authored approximately 150 scientific papers on varying herpetological subjects.
  • In the 2000s, Wells self-published herpetological research in the "Australian Biodiversity Record".
  • The British Herpetological Society (BHS) is an international herpetological society based in the United Kingdom.

  • The specific name, "mombergi", is in honor of zoologist Frank Momberg for his work in conservation biology and his support of herpetological research in Myanmar.
  • The specific epithet "sangi" honors Vietnamese herpetologist Ngoc Sang Nguyen, who has helped the herpetological community with its work in the taxonomy and understanding of the "Cyrtodactylus".
  • The specific name, "diehli", is in honor of German missionary Wilhelm Diehl (1874–1940), who collected herpetological specimens in New Guinea.
  • The herpetological species "Pseudemoia pagenstecheri" (southern grass tussock skink) is named in his honor.
  • On November 20, 1954, in a laboratory above the new Reptile House, Oliver opened the first meeting of a new herpetological society, the Metropolitan New York Herpetological Society (now NYHS).

  • He described a number of herpetological species, such as "Enhydris alternans", sometimes referred to as "Reuss' water snake".
  • The subspecific name "warreni" is in honor of C. Rhea Warren, who collected herpetological specimens on Île de la Tortue.
  • The Karl P. Schmidt Memorial Herpetological Library, named for Karl Patterson Schmidt is a research library containing over 2,000 herpetological books and an extensive reprint collection.
  • Lessona has several herpetological species named after him, such as "Pelophylax lessonae", "Diploglossus lessonae", and "Trapelus lessonae".
  • During a herpetological survey, the Indawgyi bent-toed gecko ("Cyrtodactylus mombergi") was discovered and described in 2019.

  • McKeown published frequently on diverse herpetological topics and was managing editor of "The Vivarium" magazine.
  • He started a private herpetological collection, with which in March 1927 he founded Adelaide's Snake Park on a [...] section of the Park Lands.
  • A herpetological species known as "Doumergue's fringe-fingered lizard" ("Acanthodactylus spinicauda") is named after him; it was first described by Doumergue in 1901.
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