Translation for '
hesitation' from English to Russian
NOUN1 | a hesitation | hesitations | |
NOUN2 | hesitation | - | |
SYNO | disinclination | falter | faltering | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- To the surprise of many, Scavenius accepted these instructions without hesitation.
- A.J. proposes to Blanca, who accepts after some hesitation, but later breaks up with him.
- Another common penalty is hesitation. Hesitation occurs when a competitor fails to respond after being recognised.
- For example, if declarer is attempting to locate a particular card, such as an adversely held ace or queen, he may conclude which opponent is most likely to have it based upon a hesitation by that opponent.
- 2c. Everyone is allowed to express their attitudes, desires and needs without any hesitation.
- There would be doubt, hesitation and pain.
- The hesitation change is a Bronze syllabus figure. The first 3 steps are identical to the natural turn.
- Hesitation can be interpreted positively or negatively.
- When asked to name the best horse he ever trained Jillings had no hesitation in labelling Stipulate, the champion stayer of his era in the early 1960s.
- , whose United Party Fagan joined after some hesitation and left after Smuts led South Africa into World War II.
- After some hesitation and much telephoning, Hitler released the Großdeutschland division for a counter-attack.
- Without hesitation Narbon returned to the pitch as soon as his medics gave him the GO.
- The species name refers to a hesitation in identification of the taxon and is derived from "anxius" (meaning timid).
- Hank is away at a hotel awaiting his mistress, Kaylee. After rough sex, he shoots her in the head without hesitation.
- However, Octave, after a certain amount of hesitation, decides to let Coelio take up the assignation with Marianne instead.
- Maki's storyline mainly involves around her wish to become a nurse and hesitation that comes with it.
- There was the shortened barreled (300 mm) MKPO (P for Police), which still used the two-part hesitation-locked action.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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