 Translation for 'hollow' from English to Russian
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ADJ   hollow | hollower / more hollow | hollowest / most hollow
NOUN   a hollow | hollows
VERB   to hollow | hollowed | hollowed
hollowing | hollows
SYNO empty | hole | holler | ...
пустой {adj} [полый]hollow [not solid]
гулкий {adj}hollow [sound]
впалые щёки {мн}hollow cheeks
подколенная впадина {ж}
hollow of the knee
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Type 69-I hollow charge high-explosive anti-tank: standard HEAT grenade developed for the PLA in the 1980s. The hollow warhead was created with improved armour-piercing capabilities.
  • If a pattern of 4 pixels in a hollow diamond shape appears, the hollow will be obliterated by the expansion.
  • The other name, HTs, is an abbreviation for Hollow Trees, because of a hollow tree that was on the point but has since washed away.
  • Semi-hollow guitars share some of the tonal characteristics of hollow guitars, such as their praised warmth and clean tone.
  • Varieties of hollow profiles are often very difficult to produce, but a hollow profile can be replaced by two telescoping profiles, to ease product manufacturing.

  • Dead Negro Hollow was a valley (hollow) in Rhea County, Tennessee, in the United States. It was renamed to Bonham Hallow on December 12, 2019.
  • A post office was established at Dark Hollow in 1893, and remained in operation until it was discontinued in 1901.
  • Kline Hollow Run is named after the Kline Family. Kline Hollow, the hollow through which the stream flows, has the same etymology.
  • The hollow cone pattern is also achievable by the spiral design of nozzle.
  • The name Fogo means "foggage pit, den or hollow" as well as a portmanteau of "fog" and "hollow".

  • The wilderness is on the northwest side of Brush Mountain, a 2900 foot high ridge with many hollows stretching down from the ridge to Craig Creek.
  • Nesting hollows are located [...] above the ground, have entrances [...] wide orientated to avoid flooding and winds during breeding, and the hollow is [...] deep.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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