Translation for '
homonymy' from English to Russian
NOUN | homonymy | homonymies | |
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Usage Examples English
- The mistake made in the 12th century by homonymy is a reference to a supposed "saint Arnach", who never existed, although "Arnac" used to be a common German name at the time (from "arn", eagle, followed by "-acum").
- Lexical items participate in regular patterns of association with each other. Some relations between lexical items include hyponymy, hypernymy, synonymy, and antonymy, as well as homonymy.
- The merge of another genus into "Rhinella" left a different species sharing this name (homonymy), which was resolved by renaming the other species "Rhinella boulengeri" (now "Dendrophryniscus proboscideus").
- Originally described by Carl Linnaeus, it has a convoluted taxonomic history. "S. bahamense" is known by many junior synonyms and involved in several cases of homonymy.
- "Double homonymy" (genus and species) is not homonymy in the strict sense: if the genera are homonyms and belong to different animal groups, the same specific names can be used in both groups.
- A family of insects was also previously called "Megalodontidae", containing the sawfly genus "Megalodontes". In order to remove the homonymy, that family has been renamed Megalodontesidae.
- The homonymy between father and son and the imprecision of the documents (including the fact that not all mention him) have made his role in the duchy of Lower Lorraine debatable.
- It has etymological homonymy with Langtoft, Lincolnshire and Lanquetot (Normandy, "Languetot" 12th century).
- The meanings 'weave' and 'morning' are most likely unrelated, which means that these are instances of coincidental homonymy, which only very rarely happens by chance, which means that some kind of contact most likely happened, but exact conclusions cannot be drawn with modern information.
- The genus was then renamed into "Sallywalkerana" because of homonymy with the cricket genus "Walkerana" Otte and Perez-Gelabert, 2009, but the latter may be "nomen nudum".
- Colexification is meant as a neutral, descriptive term that avoids distinguishing between vagueness, polysemy, and homonymy.
- Since the Devastations of Osorio, which occurred in 1605, entire families were moving towards the eastern zone, with a greater proportion during the Haitian invasions, noting that local surnames keep homonymy with those of other towns.
- It must not be confused with "Aphelodoris luctuosa" Bergh, 1905, which has been renamed "Aphelodoris berghi" Odhner, 1924, because of the homonymy.
- "Phalaena" has been declared a " [...] " by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, for the purposes of priority, but not homonymy.
- , the original species descriptor; the current name is a replacement name to solve secondary homonymy with "Euprepis angolensis" Bocage, 1872 varia" (Peters, 1867).
- A homonymy is also possible between the same possessive ending of two unrelated words, if one ends in a consonant and the other in a vowel: [...] may be parsed as [...] ("our village") or [...] ("our wall").
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