 Translation for 'humin' from English to Russian
гумин {м}
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Translation for 'humin' from English to Russian

гумин {м}геол.сель.хим.
Usage Examples English
  • The Battle of Humin-Bolimów was an inconclusive battle of World War I fought on January 14, 1915 - February 28, 1915 between Imperial German Army and Russia and considered a preliminary to the Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes.
  • Less oxidized brown coal contains a higher proportion of the insoluble humin fraction and along with peat which is lower in humic acid content and usually high in ash content requires separation by filtration or centrifugation to remove ash and humin.
  • Chunshen Road is an above-ground metro station located at the intersection of Humin Highway and Chunshen Road, in the Minhang District of Shanghai.
  • extension to Humin road (North Xinzhuang Station) has been approved as part of the National Development and Reform Commission has approved the 2018-2023 construction planning of the city's Metro network.
  • Due to their very complex molecular structure, humic substances, including humin, do not correspond to pure substances but consist of a mixture of many compounds that remain very difficult to characterize even using modern analytical techniques.

  • In 2012, Jain left to become the founder and CEO of technology company, Humin.
  • Humin is a village development committee in Palpa District in the Lumbini Zone of southern Nepal.
  • Humin-Dobra Ziemskie [...] is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Bolimów, within Skierniewice County, Łódź Voivodeship, in central Poland.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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