 Translation for 'introduction' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an introduction | introductions
SYNO creation | debut | entry | ...
введение {ж} [вступление]introduction
интродукция {ж}
введение {с} в курс
introduction to
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The most popular module during 2009–10 was "DD101 An introduction to the social sciences" (7,512 students), followed by "AA100 The Arts Past and Present", "B120 An Introduction to Business Studies", "K101 An Introduction to Health and Social Care" and "Y163 Starting with Psychology".
  • The introduction, first strain, and second strain are typically that of a military march, but some use a longer (or much longer) introduction.
  • Two recent innovations have been the introduction of a Computer Literacy program for all students in classes 6 to 12 and the introduction of co-education at class 3 stage onwards.
  • While keeping the general concept of the introduction the same, different documents have different styles to introduce the written text.
  • They are still used in German introductions to programming, for example Böttcher and Kneißl's introduction to C, Baeumle-Courth and Schmidt's introduction to C and Kirch's introduction to C#.

  • Dött takes a positive view of the introduction of the gasoline-ethanol fuel E10 and is in favor of its further introduction.
  • Early introduction of peanut and egg alongside other solids, or by one year of age, may help prevent development of food allergy.
  • The piece starts with a 55-measure introduction marked "Largo non troppo". The introduction is in common time and concludes on a chord of the dominant seventh.
  • He presided over the introduction of the great-tailed grackle into the Valley of Mexico, the earliest documented case of human-mediated bird introduction in the Western Hemisphere.
  • CHANGE INTRODUCTION Change the participant's introduction.

  • The second version includes an introduction, which feature eleven women talking about their prior abusive or unhealthy relationships. This introduction is the only deviation in the two videos.
  • The album version includes a brief spoken-word introduction hinting at the premise of the song. The introduction is omitted from the 45 RPM single and radio edits.
  • Lois Privor-Dumm is an expert in the field of vaccine introduction.
  • Episode 1 Introduction: In the introduction where the players are first introduced, everyone was shown except Alaina, indicating that everyone who was shown was there to win money.
  • In 1983 Sharpe wrote an introduction to a reprint of Yates' first Chandos thriller "Blind Corner", one of a series issued by J.M.Dent & Sons under the title "Classic Thrillers".

  • The introduction of economically useful plants into the US is a three-step process: (1) explorers find the plants in foreign countries; (2) the plants are sent back to a USDA introduction garden where they are evaluated; (3) successful plants are distributed to farmers and nurserymen.
  • 2010 Introduction of a new community and education programme; introduction of an annual Competition for Composers.
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