 Translation for 'inventory' from English to Russian
NOUN   an inventory | inventories
VERB   to inventory | inventoried | inventoried
inventorying | inventories
SYNO armory | armoury | inventory | ...
unverified инвентаризация {ж}inventory
(инвентаризационная) опись {ж}inventory
инвентарный номер {м}inventory number
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Perpetual inventory systems involve more record-keeping than periodic inventory systems.
  • Perpetual inventory systems can still be vulnerable to errors due to overstatements (phantom inventory) or understatements (missing inventory) that can occur as a result of theft, breakage, scanning errors or untracked inventory movements, leading to systematic errors in replenishment.
  • Manufacturing management is more interested in "inventory turnover ratio" or "average days to sell inventory" since it tells them something about relative inventory levels.
  • With FIFO, the cost of inventory reported on the balance sheet represents the cost of the inventory most recently purchased.
  • The software automatically adjusts inventory quantities after every purchase and sale.

  • There is a lowered cost of inventory; As SBT changes inventory ownership to the supplier, the retailer experiences a reduction in retailer-owned inventory.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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