 Translation for 'keep a diary' from English to Russian
VERB   to keep a diary | kept a diary | kept a diary
keeping a diary | keeps a diary
вести дневникto keep a diary
Partial Matches
хранить тайнуto keep a secret
unverified держаться избранного путиto keep a way
выполнить обещаниеto keep a promise
дневник {м}diary
записная книжка-календарь {ж}diary
держать формуto keep fit
содержать [несов.]to keep [possess]
удерживать [кого-л. от чего-л., от общения с кем-л.] [несов.]to keep away
продолжать [несов.]to keep going
составлять компаниюto keep company
оставить [сохранить для дальнейшего] [сов.]to keep [reserve]
оставлять [сохранять] [несов.]to keep [reserve]
сохранять спокойствиеto keep calm
поддерживать контакт [несов.]to keep in touch
кормить [перен.] [обеспечивать, содержать] [несов.]to keep [family etc.]
заставить кого-л. ждатьto keep sb. waiting
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]to keep doing sth.
Сдачи не надо.Keep the change.
unverified быть не хуже кого-тоto keep up with
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]to keep on doing sth.
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Usage Examples English
  • During this part of his life, Nakajima would keep a diary to keep note of his experiences there.
  • People are often asked to keep a diary for a day or more, up to a week, to record the pattern of voiding, noting times and the amounts of urine produced.
  • Then participants were asked to keep a diary on their memory process between two one-hour experimental sessions.
  • Patients can keep a diary. Some questionnaires could be useful as the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire.
  • After Cassidy joined the army he began to keep a diary, perhaps inspired by recognition of a change in his social role and its familiar routines.

  • During the 1960s and '70s Ramírez worked for several teams, including Dan Gurney's Eagle, Tyrrell, where founder Ken Tyrrell advised him to keep a diary of his time in the sport, and for Wilson and Emerson Fittipaldi in their Fittipaldi Copersucar F1 team.
  • Despite the attempts of her mother, therapists Rene Allendy and Otto Rank, and writer Henry Miller, to break Nin of her dependence on the diary, she would continue to keep a diary up until her death in 1977.
  • Subavee began to keep a diary right since 1963. He has written nearly 40 books on Tamil literature, politics and history. He also has written and published 11 short stories as of 2012.
  • "Hollyoaks" released a promotional trailer which revealed that Kim would keep a diary about Grace.
  • He began to keep a diary, recording his daily life.

  • The farmer had his private office where he could handle accounts and keep a diary.
  • Every individual aged 16 and over in the household visited is also asked to keep a diary that records daily expenditure for two weeks.
  • He had previously agreed to keep a diary of his journey for later publication in "The Motorcycle" magazine, a periodical of the time.
  • Students were required to keep a diary with their experiences about the war and to collect donations.
  • But only when she starts to keep a diary does the real problem emerge.

  • Dati did not keep a diary for the last eight years of his life, and he died on September 17, 1435, from an unknown cause.
  • To ease her transition to this new environment and ward off thoughts of despair she decides to keep a diary of her daily experiences.
  • Dozier was able to keep a diary by playing Solitaire and writing down fake scores on paper provided by his guards.
  • The diary method of study circumvents these issues by having groups of participants keep a diary over a period of weeks or months, during which they record the details of everyday events that they judge to be memorable.
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