 Translation for 'keep a promise' from English to Russian
VERB   to keep a promise | kept a promise | kept a promise
keeping a promise | keeps a promise
выполнить обещаниеto keep a promise
Partial Matches
давать обещание [несов.]to make a promise
нарушить обещаниеto break a promise
хранить тайнуto keep a secret
вести дневникto keep a diary
unverified держаться избранного путиto keep a way
обещатьto promise
пообещать [сов.]to promise
составлять компаниюto keep company
продолжать [несов.]to keep going
держать формуto keep fit
оставлять [сохранять] [несов.]to keep [reserve]
оставить [сохранить для дальнейшего] [сов.]to keep [reserve]
сохранять спокойствиеto keep calm
содержать [несов.]to keep [possess]
удерживать [кого-л. от чего-л., от общения с кем-л.] [несов.]to keep away
кормить [перен.] [обеспечивать, содержать] [несов.]to keep [family etc.]
поддерживать контакт [несов.]to keep in touch
заставить кого-л. ждатьto keep sb. waiting
Сдачи не надо.Keep the change.
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]to keep doing sth.
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Usage Examples English
  • In order to keep a promise to his employer while decorating the Milwaukee courthouse, he once walked twelve miles from his father's home in a heavy snowstorm.
  • Episode 95: Sita resolves to accompany Ram into exile. Queen Sumitra wants to persuade Keikeyi to take back her requests, but queen Kaushalya agrees that it is vital to keep a promise.
  • He does this because he wants to keep a promise he made to himself about Nancy being the first girl he will ever propose to, and the situation at the time called for him to propose to another woman.
  • On the advice of Chandramukhi, he leaves for his village but goes to Durgapuram to keep a promise he had made to Parvati that he visit her before his death.
  • Takahashi's "Knight of the Iron Dragon" tells the story of two Japanese soldiers in Leyte as they attempt to keep a promise.

  • "PC Magazine" recommends that users consider choosing a provider based in a country with no data retention laws, since that makes it easier for the service to keep a promise of no logging.
  • In 2016, Professor Houlgate decided to keep a promise to his former students to write a series of study guides on the classical philosophers.
  • In this example, the duty to keep a promise stands in conflict with the duty to prevent that others are harmed.
  • In the end, Seenu marries a widow in order to keep a promise to his neighbour.
  • Believing that he bears responsibility for the drought, Tayo sets out to keep a promise he made to Josiah to round up Josiah's stolen cattle.

  • Shortly after the site launched, Expedia testified to the Senate Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee that Google failed to keep a promise to rank Google Flight listings below the listings of competitors in a Google search.
  • On 7 August 2012, Julia Perez performed a pole dance at a traffic light in Kuningan, Central Jakarta, to keep a promise after reaching one million Twitter followers.
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