 Translation for 'keep away' from English to Russian
удерживать [кого-л. от чего-л., от общения с кем-л.] [несов.]to keep away
Partial Matches
сохранять спокойствиеto keep calm
продолжать [несов.]to keep going
составлять компаниюto keep company
держать формуto keep fit
содержать [несов.]to keep [possess]
оставить [сохранить для дальнейшего] [сов.]to keep [reserve]
оставлять [сохранять] [несов.]to keep [reserve]
поддерживать контакт [несов.]to keep in touch
кормить [перен.] [обеспечивать, содержать] [несов.]to keep [family etc.]
заставить кого-л. ждатьto keep sb. waiting
хранить тайнуto keep a secret
unverified быть не хуже кого-тоto keep up with
выполнить обещаниеto keep a promise
Сдачи не надо.Keep the change.
unverified держаться избранного путиto keep a way
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]to keep doing sth.
вести дневникto keep a diary
составить кому-л. компаниюto keep sb.'s company
мурыжить кого-л. [несов.] [разг.] [заставлять долго ждать]to keep sb. waiting [deliberately]
дружить с кем-л. [несов.] [общаться]to keep company with sb.
21 translations
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Translation for 'keep away' from English to Russian

to keep away
удерживать [кого-л. от чего-л., от общения с кем-л.] [несов.]

to keep calm
сохранять спокойствие
to keep going
продолжать [несов.]
to keep company
составлять компанию
to keep fit
держать форму
to keep [possess]
содержать [несов.]
to keep [reserve]
оставить [сохранить для дальнейшего] [сов.]

оставлять [сохранять] [несов.]
to keep in touch
поддерживать контакт [несов.]
to keep [family etc.]
кормить [перен.] [обеспечивать, содержать] [несов.]
to keep sb. waiting
заставить кого-л. ждать
to keep a secret
хранить тайну
to keep up with
unverified быть не хуже кого-то
to keep a promise
выполнить обещание
Keep the change.
Сдачи не надо.
to keep a way
unverified держаться избранного пути
to keep doing sth.
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]
to keep a diary
вести дневник
to keep sb.'s company
составить кому-л. компанию
to keep sb. waiting [deliberately]
мурыжить кого-л. [несов.] [разг.] [заставлять долго ждать]
to keep company with sb.
дружить с кем-л. [несов.] [общаться]
Usage Examples English
  • On that trip, the couple secretly brought to Windsor Castle three boxes full of personal documents that they wanted to keep away from the eyes of Bismarck and the Hohenzollerns.
  • He wanted to execute Gurdjieff's last directives literally, by disseminating his ideas and writings as widely as possible, especially "Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson", which Madame de Salzmann wanted to keep away from the public eye.
  • In turning sharp round a right-hand corner, a driver should keep away to the opposite side."
  • The nests may sometimes be decorated with bright materials such as white plastic and a study in Spain suggests that they may have a role in signalling to keep away other kites.
  • The Wusun subsequently took over the Ili Valley, expanding over a large area and trying to keep away from the Xiongnu.

  • In this letter he promised to keep away from the freedom struggle if granted bail.
  • He wrote to the King to intercede on behalf of Becket after his exile, which provoked Henry to instruct him to keep away from Becket in his exile.
  • Walsh is then approached by FBI officer Alonzo Mosely, who needs Mardukas to be a witness against Serrano, so orders him to keep away from him.
  • The existence of the plot had been revealed in an anonymous letter delivered ten days earlier to William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle, warning him to keep away from Parliament.
  • These males will signal for other males to keep away via a sand drumming display.

  • Electronic insect repellent devices that produce ultrasounds intended to keep away insects (and mosquitoes) are marketed.
  • Grasshopper Chapel in Cold Spring, Minnesota, was established in 1877 by immigrant German Catholic farmers, supposedly to keep away future locust ravages which had occurred from the 1870s.
  • These customs were meant to keep away bad luck, and similar customs were found in other Celtic regions.
  • shrubs around one's home is said to keep away all evil spirits and will cause the huaka'i pō to avoid the area.
  • At least in the winter quarters, Swainson's thrush tends to keep away from areas of human construction and other activity.

  • Some termites, including "Nasutitermes corniger", form associations with certain ant species to keep away predatory ant species.
  • Current PWC products contain on-product warnings that state: "Keep away from Intake Grate" while the engine is on.
  • Regulations in the United Kingdom are less stringent; pajamas which do not comply with fire safety standards may be sold, but must be labelled "KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE".
  • The letter continues by encouraging the Thessalonian church to stand firm in their faith, and to "keep away from every brother who leads an unruly life and not according to the tradition which you received from us [...] do not associate with him, so that he will be put to shame.
  • Another factor that could influence habitat choice is vulnerability to predators; impala tend to keep away from areas with tall grasses as predators could be concealed there.

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