 Translation for 'keep calm' from English to Russian
сохранять спокойствиеto keep calm
Partial Matches
спокойный {adj}calm
покойный {adj} [устр.] [тихий, спокойный]calm
тихий {adj} [спокойный]calm
спокойствие {с}calm
успокаиваться [несов.]to calm down
сохранять спокойствие [несов.]to remain calm
держать формуto keep fit
оставлять [сохранять] [несов.]to keep [reserve]
удерживать [кого-л. от чего-л., от общения с кем-л.] [несов.]to keep away
содержать [несов.]to keep [possess]
оставить [сохранить для дальнейшего] [сов.]to keep [reserve]
составлять компаниюto keep company
продолжать [несов.]to keep going
кормить [перен.] [обеспечивать, содержать] [несов.]to keep [family etc.]
поддерживать контакт [несов.]to keep in touch
Сдачи не надо.Keep the change.
unverified быть не хуже кого-тоto keep up with
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]to keep doing sth.
выполнить обещаниеto keep a promise
unverified держаться избранного путиto keep a way
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Ivyrise released their second album in 2015 and toured the UK and Europe as main support for British band McFly on their Keep Calm And Play Louder Tour.
  • He also wrote and directed in Paris a narrative feature film, "Keep Calm and Carry on".
  • trying to keep calm. She is later made a part of a team by Cyclops to take down the Dark X-Men and participates in the final fight against Norman Osborn's forces, teaming up with X-23 and Pixie in taking on Daken.
  • Sells Keep Calm and Carry On merchandise, including, books, shirts, cups, and mugs.
  • Recent tours include "Keep Calm and Carry On", which featured at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2011, which included cameos from Abbey Merritt and Vev Gaunt.

  • It talks about how and why they have to keep calm, and shows examples of non-black anchors making racist remarks towards these black journalists.
  • A war of nerves breaks out between the couple, but Madeleine tells him to keep calm – at this rate, all will be well in less than a fortnight.
  • To deal with anger in others, Seneca suggests that the best reaction is to keep calm.
  • Many of its functionaries as well as members that were wanted for arrest in connection with the preceding violence fled to Germany, while a number of town mayors elected for the SdP exhorted FS members to keep calm and expressed their support to the commanders of Gendarme stations situated in their towns.
  • Karma is seen during the riots in San Francisco with Armor, Match, Angel, and Bling trying to keep calm. She tells Nekra and Frenzy to behave when Ms. Marvel blasts the duo, taking them out.

  • It was the first single taken from their seventh studio album, "Keep Calm and Carry On", which was released a week later, on 16 November 2009.
  • Skipping Girl Vinegar opened the Splendour in the Grass festival, before releasing the singles "Wasted", "Chase the Sun", and "You Can", all taken from third album "Keep Calm Carry The Monkey".
  • Whether he was in good or bad faith, with this expedient the king managed to keep calm for several years a rough and ignorant people, who could not let off steam in the war.
  • "Keep Calm and Carry On" was a motivational poster produced by the Government of the United Kingdom in 1939 in preparation for World War II.
  • With the group he has recorded the albums "Keep Calm and Carry On" in 2009, "Graffiti on the Train" in 2013, "Keep the Village Alive" in 2015, "Scream Above the Sounds" in 2017, Kind in 2019 and Oochya in 2022.

  • The slogan, "Keep Calm and Carry On", and the simple design have turned it into an international phenomenon; and it has been on the walls of places as diverse as Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street and the US Embassy in Belgium.
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