 Translation for 'keep' from English to Russian
NOUN   a keep | keeps
VERB   to keep | kept | kept
keeping | keeps
SYNO bread and butter | donjon | dungeon | ...
держать [несов.]to keep [prisoner, chickens, bees]
кормить [перен.] [обеспечивать, содержать] [несов.]to keep [family etc.]
содержать [несов.]to keep [possess]
оставлять [сохранять] [несов.]to keep [reserve]
оставить [сохранить для дальнейшего] [сов.]to keep [reserve]
2 Words
Не сдавайся!Keep going! [Don't give up!]
удерживать [кого-л. от чего-л., от общения с кем-л.] [несов.]to keep away
сохранять спокойствиеto keep calm
составлять компаниюto keep company
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]to keep doing sth.
держать формуto keep fit
продолжать [несов.]to keep going
избегать разговора о чём-л. [несов.]to keep off sth. [esp. Br.]
заставить кого-л. ждатьto keep sb. waiting
мурыжить кого-л. [несов.] [разг.] [заставлять долго ждать]to keep sb. waiting [deliberately]
составить кому-л. компаниюto keep sb.'s company
3 Words
Сдачи не надо.Keep the change.
вести дневникto keep a diary
выполнить обещаниеto keep a promise
хранить тайнуto keep a secret
unverified держаться избранного путиto keep a way
дружить с кем-л. [несов.] [общаться]to keep company with sb.
поддерживать контакт [несов.]to keep in touch
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]to keep on doing sth.
unverified быть не хуже кого-тоto keep up with
идти в ногу с кем-л./чем-л.to keep up with sb./sth.
4 Words
не вешать нос [перен.]to keep one's chin up [fig.]
5+ Words
не соваться с советом
to keep one's breath to cool one's porridge [fig.]
28 translations
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Translation for 'keep' from English to Russian

to keep [prisoner, chickens, bees]
держать [несов.]
to keep [family etc.]
кормить [перен.] [обеспечивать, содержать] [несов.]
to keep [possess]
содержать [несов.]
to keep [reserve]
оставлять [сохранять] [несов.]

оставить [сохранить для дальнейшего] [сов.]

Keep going! [Don't give up!]
Не сдавайся!
to keep away
удерживать [кого-л. от чего-л., от общения с кем-л.] [несов.]
to keep calm
сохранять спокойствие
to keep company
составлять компанию
to keep doing sth.
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]
to keep fit
держать форму
to keep going
продолжать [несов.]
to keep off sth. [esp. Br.]
избегать разговора о чём-л. [несов.]
to keep sb. waiting
заставить кого-л. ждать
to keep sb. waiting [deliberately]
мурыжить кого-л. [несов.] [разг.] [заставлять долго ждать]
to keep sb.'s company
составить кому-л. компанию

Keep the change.
Сдачи не надо.

to keep a diary
вести дневник
to keep a promise
выполнить обещание
to keep a secret
хранить тайну
to keep a way
unverified держаться избранного пути
to keep company with sb.
дружить с кем-л. [несов.] [общаться]
to keep in touch
поддерживать контакт [несов.]
to keep on doing sth.
продолжать делать что-л. [несов.]
to keep up with
unverified быть не хуже кого-то
to keep up with sb./ sth.
идти в ногу с кем-л./ чем-л.

to keep one's chin up [fig.]
не вешать нос [перен.]

to keep one's breath to cool one's porridge [fig.]
не соваться с советомидиом.
Usage Examples English
  • After graduation, continuing education courses may be needed to keep a government-issued professional engineer (PE) license valid, to keep skills fresh, to expand skills, or to keep up with new technology.
  • Objectives are to keep the prison running, keep the staff happy, keep the prisoners in line, all while trying to make money.
  • Sometimes the same materials used to keep water out of buildings are used to keep water in, such as a pool or pond liners.
  • To face these difficulties, Edge Innovation created a robotic dolphin. The goal is to keep educating and entertaining the public without having to keep marine mammals in captivity.
  • Swim caps are worn for various reasons: they can be worn to keep hair out of the swimmer's face, reduce drag, protect hair from chlorine or sun damage, keep hair dry, keep the head warm, or (sometimes in combination with earplugs) to keep water out of the ears.

  • Ant keepers may choose to keep ants in captivity for the purpose of documenting ant behavior (in the case of an ant species which is difficult to observe in the wild).
  • In winter, keep it dry and the temperature may be as low as −12 °C, but it is better to keep it without frost.
  • Roadwork signs to keep you informed of changing conditions and to keep road workers safe. These signs closely follow United Kingdom design.
  • If the government had increased it to keep pace with inflation (and so keep a constant real value) it would be £134.94 in 2020.
  • Peter Schmeichel was the first goalkeeper to keep 100 clean sheets and Petr Čech is the only player to keep 200.

  • Manziel was intercepted three times, twice by Jamerson Love. The turnovers helped keep Mississippi State close, but the Bulldogs couldn't keep up.
  • To keep her from fighting against them, the slavers keep Alex intoxicated and force her to become a drug addict.
  • Considered an easy to keep species, a license is required to keep the common scaly-foot as a pet in Australia.
  • The remains of an earlier 14th century keep, also named Kincardine Castle, are located nearby (...). The ruined keep was demolished in 1645. Little remains today beyond its rectangular foundations.
  • As Odo said, "You keep, keep my kata straight".

  • Some magicians keep their props in plain sight; a ring may be used to keep the pouch open. Other magicians keep their servantes concealed to enhance the illusion.
  • A properly insulated " [...] " in a roof could keep its mechanical properties for over 60 years. Its high silicon content allows the cane to keep its qualities through time.
  • The [...] , also known as [...] , is a two-story high keep at the easternmost corner of the "Sannomaru" and the only keep still remaining in it.
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