 Translation for 'ladle' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a ladle | ladles
VERB   to ladle | ladled | ladled
ladling | ladles
SYNO to lade | to laden | to ladle
черпак {м}ladle
половник {м}
2 translations
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Translation for 'ladle' from English to Russian

черпак {м}

половник {м}гастр.инстр.
Usage Examples English
  • Fat can be skimmed off the liquid with a small ladle, spoon, or cup as the liquid simmers and then discarded.
  • The cook breaks a ladle across Catskin's back when she says she would like to go, but Catskin goes in her coat of beaten gold, and when the lord again asks where she is from, Catskin replies that she came from the Sign of the Broken Ladle.
  • Lip-axis ladles may also use hydraulic rams to tilt the ladle.
  • Molten metal is tapped into the ladle from furnaces.
  • Imagine putting a marble in a ladle. It will settle itself into the lowest point of the ladle and, unless disturbed, will stay there.

  • Particularly noteworthy is the discovery of fragments of a ladle for pouring molten metal.
  • He was also remarkable for his frequent tasting of food, frequently dipping his ladle into steaming concoctions for sampling, only to place the same ladle back in the food.
  • "Shutispear" is a name derived from the Choctaw language purported to mean "pot scoop; ladle".
  • It first went on display in the window of Arthur & Bond Company, and the ladle was stolen.
  • One more ladle of wine to conclude the little happiness that remains; tonight my dreams of parting leave me cold.

  • The Otamatone is a synthesizer whose body is shaped like an eighth note (quaver) (it also somewhat resembles a tadpole, or a ladle, [...] being Japanese for "tadpole" and "ladle"), with sound emerging from a "mouth" on the notehead.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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