Translation for '
lagoon' from English to Russian
NOUN | a lagoon | lagoons | |
SYNO | lagoon | laguna | lagune |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Along the Italian coasts there are lagoons, among which the Venetian Lagoon, that of Grado Lagoon and that of Marano Lagoon in the northern Adriatic stand out for their size and importance, and the Orbetello Lagoon on the Tuscan coast.
- Big Lagoon is the largest and southernmost lagoon. Stone Lagoon is in the middle, and Freshwater Lagoon is the northernmost and smallest.
- A number of freshwater lagoons including the Szczecin Lagoon, the Vistula Lagoon and the Curonian Lagoon are found on the Baltic Sea coast.
- Fairy Bower is low-lying land, less than 10 metres above sea level, and contains a number of lagoons, including the Yeppen Yeppen Lagoon, the Crescent Lagoon, Nelson Lagoon and Deadmans Lagoon.
- Nai Aru Lagoon (or Nay Aru Lagoon) is an estuarine lagoon in Mullaitivu District, north-east Sri Lanka.
- Vadamarachchi lagoon (...) is a lagoon in Jaffna District, northern Sri Lanka.
- Lagoons. Lagoons tend to be inlets of the sea. Major ones in the ecoregion are in Mexico (Tamiahua Lagoon, Laguna de Términos, the lagoon at Yum Balam; in Nicaragua Pearl Lagoon, and in Panama Chiriquí Lagoon. ...
- Malyi Sasyk Lagoon, or Small Sasyk ([...] , [...]), is a salty lagoon in the Tuzly Lagoons group in Tatarbunary Raion of Odessa Oblast, Ukraine.
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