Translation for '
lasso' from English to Russian
NOUN | a lasso | lassos / lassoes | |
VERB | to lasso | lassoed | lassoed lassoing | lassoes | |
SYNO | lariat | Lasso | lasso | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The lasso is a well-known tool of Mexican Vaqueros, who developed rope spinning and throwing skills in using lassos to catch animals.
- lights a sequence of fireworks attached to a lasso, but the Road Runner is actually running down a different cliff, and the coyote inertially spins the lasso until the hissing fireworks explode.
- This lasso should not be confused with the lasso of the current Wonder Girl, Cassie Sandsmark.
- She carries the Lasso of Persuasion gifted to her by the gods.
- One by one, candidates make it from one side of the Pendleton Round Up stadium to the other, collecting a lasso along the way.
- Around 18% of proteins with disulfide bridges have complex lasso, however, much more complex lasso would be predicted when analyzing the non-interacting polymeric models.
- A Bronze Age tweak gave her a new method of transformation using the magic lasso.
- Some lasso peptide biosynthetic gene clusters also require an additional protein of unknown function for biosynthesis.
- In contrast to the group lasso problem, where features are grouped into disjoint blocks, it may be the case that grouped features are overlapping or have a nested structure.
- Hoornweg (2018) shows that a loss function with such an accuracy-simplicity tradeoff can also be used to intuitively define shrinkage estimators like the (adaptive) lasso and Bayesian / ridge regression.
- The least absolute selection and shrinkage (LASSO) method is another popular choice. In lasso regression, the lasso penalty function [...] is the [...] norm, i.e.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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