 Translation for 'little tern' from English to Russian
NOUN   a little tern | little terns
малая крачка {ж} [Sternula albifrons, syn.: Sterna albifrons]
little tern
Partial Matches
чёрная болотная крачка {ж} [Chlidonias niger]
black tern
бурокрылая крачка {ж} [Onychoprion anaethetus, syn.: Sterna anaethetus]
bridled tern
крачка {ж} инков [Larosterna inca]
Inca tern
крачка-инка {ж} [Larosterna inca]
Inca tern
розовая крачка {ж} [Sterna dougallii]
roseate tern
пестроносая крачка {ж} [Thalasseus sandvicensis, syn.: Sterna sandvicensis]
Sandwich tern
белокрылая болотная крачка {ж} [Chlidonias leucopterus]
white-winged (black) tern
маленький {adj}little
мало {adv}little
лопух {м} малый [Arctium minus]
little burdock
октябрёнок {м}
Little Octobrist
ежовый скат {м} [Leucoraja erinacea]
little skate
unverified малообразованный {adj}little-educated
Малая Польша {ж}
Little Poland
Малороссия {ж}
Little Russia
малая поганка {ж} [Tachybaptus ruficollis]
little grebe
Малая Тартария {ж}
Little Tartary
немногоa little
девочки {мн}(little) girls
домовый сыч {м} [Athene noctua]
little owl
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Saunders's and least terns were both formerly considered to be subspecies of little tern.
  • The least tern is itself often considered conspecific with the little tern.
  • Kamay Botany Bay National Park and the Towra Point Nature Reserve wetlands contain rare remnant vegetation and fauna communities threatened and endangered species and vegetation communities such as: the Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub community, the littoral rainforest and Kurnell dune forest, a vast array of threatened and endangered bird species such as the little tern, frogs such as the green and gold bell frog and mammals like the grey headed flying fox.
  • The North Denes area of the beach is an SSSI due to its dune plants, and supports numbers of skylarks and meadow pipits, along with one of the largest little tern colonies in the UK each summer, and a small colony of grayling butterflies.
  • Benacre Broad forms part of the Benacre National Nature Reserve, an important reserve for over 100 bird species including the marsh harrier, little tern and bittern.

  • After a count in 2014 by the RSPB they found that the dunes are the home to more than 300 pairs of the little tern making it the UK's largest colony.
  • to the south, contains a nationally important colony of little tern and the largest mainland colony of Arctic tern in the United Kingdom.
  • The area is notable as a breeding area for little tern ("Sternula albifrons") and as a transit point for ringed plover ("Charadrius hiaticula").
  • In the 2010 breeding season, 72 little tern fledged.
  • The NSW "Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995" identifies the migratory little tern ("Sterna albifrons") and the beach stone-curlew ("Esacus neglectus") as endangered.

  • The Ayres in the north of the island have colonies of little tern, Arctic tern and common tern.
  • Balgö is an important breeding and resting place for different birds, for example little tern, pied avocet and common eider. In the winters, there are white-tailed eagles in the area.
  • Because of its favourable location on the migration path of migrating birds, Wallnau is a much sought-after resting place and is also used as a nesting ground in the summer by rare birds like the red-necked grebe and little tern.
  • Eurasian stone-curlew, kentish plover, spur-winged lapwing and little tern also breed in the area.
  • The little tern breeds in colonies on gravel or shingle coasts and islands.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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