 Translation for 'mains' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   a main | mains
NOUN2   mains | -
линии {мн} энерго-, тепло-, газо- и водоснабжения; коммуникацииmains {pl} [Br.]
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Usage Examples English
  • Mains water arrived in 1947 and mains electricity in 1948.
  • There are neither mains water nor mains drains in Kilmory.
  • The village was connected to Egton by a main road after 1868. Mains electricity and mains water reached the village in the decade after the Second World War.
  • The mains are run over a two-day period. The lower mains are run on Friday.
  • Although the DALI control cable operates at ELV potential, it is not classified as SELV ("Safety" Extra Low Voltage) and must be treated as if it has only basic insulation from mains.

  • New Marston seems to have received a mains water supply by the end of the 1870s and mains drainage by the 1920s.
  • The parish council was concerned with the insanitary drainage system for the village, but rejected a mains water supply in 1931 as too expensive.
  • There were 774 miles (1246 km) of high voltage mains in the district comprising 465 miles (909 km) of underground mains and 308 miles (496 km) of overhead cables.
  • There were 328 miles (528 km) of high voltage mains in the district comprising 324 miles (521 km) of underground mains and 4 miles (6.4 km) of overhead cables.
  • Wand vibrators can be powered either by batteries or from mains power, with the most powerful devices being typically mains-powered.

  • From 2019 onwards admissions are taken by national level exam JEE(Mains) merit list.
  • AC Mains present all over the place inside: mains motors, mains clock etc.
  • MGN has over 1400 km of low pressure (7 kPa) gas mains, some of which are cast iron mains that date back to the 1880s.
  • Y-shaped mains leads enable two appliances to run from one mains plug.
  • The first water mains in Philadelphia were installed in the 1800s.

  • The village has mains gas, sewage and water for most residents, though some off the main estate are not on mains gas.
  • Given the 120 V (±5%) mains supply used in the United States and Canada, these higher ratings permit devices with C6 and C8 inputs to draw more than 114 V × 2.5 A = 285 W from the mains, and devices with C14 inputs to draw more than 1140 W from the mains.
  • The guides have been influential in the rise in popularity of camping; for example, drawing attention to the number of overseas sites that were providing mains electricity hook-ups.
  • There were [...] of high voltage mains in the district comprising [...] of underground mains and [...] of overhead cables.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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