 Translation for 'massif' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a massif | massifs
массив {м}
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Translation for 'massif' from English to Russian

массив {м}геогр.
Usage Examples English
  • The Bongo Massif (...), also known as the Tondou Massif, is a mountain range in north-eastern Central African Republic, near the Sudan border.
  • Kokshetau Mountains (...) or Kokshetau Massif is a mountain massif in the Akmola Region, Kazakhstan.
  • It is in the south of the Monte Rotondo massif, but is sometimes considered the summit of its own massif, the Monte d'Oro massif.
  • The Giffre massif is a mountainous massif in the northern French and Swiss Pre-Alps.
  • The North Patagonian Massif or Somún Cura Massif (Spanish: "Macizo Norpatagónico", "Macizo Nordpatagónico" or "Macizo de Somún Cura") is a massif in northern Patagonia located in the Argentine provinces of Río Negro and Chubut.

  • The village lies on the northern slope of the Gandamia Massif (or Dyoundé Massif), an inselberg that rises 750 m above the plain.
  • The Estremadura Limestone Massif (Portuguese: [...]) is a massif located in central west Portugal.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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