 Translation for 'master' from English to Russian
NOUN1   a master | masters
NOUN2   a Master | Masters
VERB   to master | mastered | mastered
mastering | masters
SYNO captain | chief | headmaster | ...
владеть [иметь в своей власти, распоряжаться] [несов.]to master [control]
начальник {м}master
повелитель {м}master
ледовар {м}
ice master [ice rink mantainer]
магистр {м} [учёная степень средняя между бакалавром и доктором наук]
master's degree
конферансье {м} [нескл.]
master of ceremonies <mc>
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Usage Examples English
  • First post master S.A. Egnor, second post master Alamander Elkins, third post master Shirley Hill, fourth post master Bethel Bragg.
  • Finegold became a USCF Master at the age of 14, Life Master (USCF) at 15, Senior Master (USCF) at 16, International Master (FIDE) at 20, and Grandmaster (FIDE) at 40.
  • Multi-master replication can also be contrasted with failover clustering where passive replica servers are replicating the master data in order to prepare for takeover in the event that the master stops functioning.
  • Graduate offerings from the Graduate Division are primarily master's degrees (Master of Science and Master of Education).
  • The residents included a tavern-owner, a master tailor, a master wood carver, a master joiner, a master house painter and a master shoemaker.

  • In Spain this master has different names according to the university that offers it, including: "Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession, Master's Degree in Access to Law, Master's Degree in Legal Practice, Master's Degree in Advocacy"...
  • It awards the following postgraduate degrees: Master of Medical Education, Master of Science, Master of Dental Surgery, Master of Science (Nursing), Master of Physiotherapy and Bachelor in Engineering.
  • For master's, UBIS offers Master of Arts in International Relations (MA-IR), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science in Information Technology (MS-IT), and Executive Master of Science in Information Technology (EMS-IT).
  • Master's mates also acted as second master of vessels too small to be allocated a warranted master.
  • Besides, There are currently three master's degrees at Tunis Business School, a Master of Science in Business Analytics, a Professional Master in the Management of NGOs, and a Professional Master in Fintech.

  • The term "master mariner" has been in use at least since the 13th century, reflecting the fact that in guild or livery company terms, such a person was a master craftsman in this specific profession (e.g., master carpenter, master blacksmith).
  • More complicated master-key lock systems are also made, with two or more levels of master keying, so there can be subordinate master keys that open only certain subsets of the locks, and a top-level master key that opens all the locks.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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