NOUN | a millisecond | milliseconds | |
SYNO | millisecond | msec |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- In 1984 The Tetragenics Company, a subsidiary of the Montana Power Company, introduced the first remote terminal unit (RTU) that time-tagged events to the nearest millisecond, and now there are also other RTUs with this capability.
- At least two millisecond pulsars have been found in NGC 6760.
- Among pulsars, millisecond pulsars are good candidate to be space-time references.
- Electronic detonators may be programmed in millisecond or sub-millisecond increments using a dedicated programming device.
- These accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars are thought to be the evolutionary progenitors of recycled radio millisecond pulsars.
- There has been recent evidence that the standard evolutionary model fails to explain the evolution of all millisecond pulsars, especially young millisecond pulsars with relatively high magnetic fields, e.g.
- She uses large scale pulsar searches with both the Arecibo Telescope and Green Bank Telescope to study pulsar populations and their evolution, find new millisecond pulsars and exotic binary systems.
- The identification of a millisecond pulsar via a blind search of gamma-ray data alone provides hope that other gamma-ray sources with unknown origin can be identified as millisecond pulsars, especially given that radio pulses from PSR J1311–3430 were detected less than 10% of the time observed.
- The best known is the use of an array of millisecond pulsars to detect and analyse gravitational waves.
- On the other hand, radio observations may look at events on a millisecond timescale (millisecond pulsars) or combine years of data (pulsar deceleration studies).
- Atomic clocks keep accurate records of transactions between buyers and sellers to the millisecond or better, particularly in high-frequency trading.
- In 2002, astronomers detected three new millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster Messier 62.
- A neutron star without deconfinement to quarks and higher densities cannot have a rotational period shorter than a millisecond; even with the unimaginable gravity of such a condensed object the centripetal force of faster rotation would eject matter from the surface, so detection of a pulsar of millisecond or less period would be strong evidence of a quark star.
- Terzan 5 is known to contain at least 34 millisecond radio pulsars; their true number may be as high as 200.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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