 Translation for 'mimosa family' from English to Russian
NOUN   the mimosa family | -
мимозовые {мн} [Mimosoideae]
mimosa family {sg}
Partial Matches
семья {ж}family
фамильный склеп {м}family vault
фамильный склеп {м}family crypt
семейство {с} птиц
bird family
родословная книга {ж} семьиfamily register
расширенная семья {ж}
extended family
близкие родственники {мн}immediate family
семьянин {м}family man
семейное торжество {с}family celebration
родство {с}(family) relationship
королевская семья {ж}royal family
норичниковые {мн} [Scrophulariaceae]
figwort family {sg}
семейство {с} птиц
family of birds
миртовые {мн} [Myrtaceae]
myrtle family {sg}
институт {м} семьи
institution of the family
16 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • "Discocharopa mimosa" is a species of air-breathing land snails, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod molluscs in the family Charopidae. This species is endemic to Australia.
  • The species breeds on many plants of the family Leguminosae including "Alysicarpus vaginalis", "Desmodium" species, "Glycine max", "Indigofera" species, and "Mimosa" species.
  • "Albizia julibrissin", the Persian silk tree, pink silk tree, or mimosa tree, is a species of tree in the family Fabaceae, native to southwestern Asia and eastern Asia.
  • Marie is haunted by her family and Lisette, who tell her she has gone too far ("No Turning Back") and cannot return ("Silver Mimosa" / "Before the Morning (Reprise)").
  • The name of the catechin chemical family derives from "catechu", which is the tannic juice or boiled extract of "Mimosa catechu" ("Acacia catechu" L.f).

  • "Mimosa" is a genus of about 590 species of herbs and shrubs, in the mimosoid clade of the legume family Fabaceae.
  • The mimosa webworm ("Homadaula anisocentra") is a pest of ornamental plants [...] , which has been introduced to eastern North America (Moriuti, 1963; Dugdale et al., 1999).
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