 Translation for 'miser' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a miser | misers
сквалыга {м} [разг.]miser
скупердяй {м} [разг.]miser
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Translation for 'miser' from English to Russian

сквалыга {м} [разг.]

скупердяй {м} [разг.]
Usage Examples English
  • John Camden Neild (1780–1852) was an English miser.
  • A biography "Nollekens and his Times" by his executor John Thomas Smith was published in 1828, portraying him as a grotesque miser.
  • Although she did not eat anything, the miser immediately took the woman as his wife.
  • Douglas William Jerrold's "John Overy or The Miser of Southwark Ferry", (1828) also brings in a daughter whom the miser attempts to sell off as a mistress to her disguised lover.
  • In 1742, Paget played Gripe the miser in John Hippisley and Thomas Chapman's play "Scaramouch scapin, or the Old Miser Caught in a Sack.

  • The murder of a miser is investigated by a village policeman.
  • It tells a humorous "ghost story" about the attempts of Formby and his girlfriend to find a buried stash of money, hidden by a miser under a blasted Oak Tree.
  • In the novel, Eugenie spent her fortune on charity. In this version she became a miser.
  • The miser John Camden Neild lived there from 1814 until his death in 1852.
  • "Caelostomus miser" is a species of ground beetle in the subfamily Pterostichinae.

  • The Kukudh is a revenant, a miser's poor soul that haunts his house after his death.
  • Parthenius and the actors stage a short play to try to influence Parthenius's father Philargus; the old man is a rich miser who scrimps on his food and wardrobe to save money.
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