 Translation for 'mistle thrush' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a mistle thrush | mistle thrushes
SYNO missel thrush | mistle thrush | mistletoe thrush | ...
деряба {ж} [Turdus viscivorus]
mistle thrush
краснозобый дрозд {м} [Turdus ruficollis, syn.: Turdus ruficollis ruficollis]
red-throated thrush
чернозобый дрозд {м} [Turdus atrogularis, syn.: Turdus ruficollis atrogularis]
black-throated thrush
дрозд {м}
thrush [a bird species]
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Usage Examples English
  • "Drunk with You" is the third and final album by Boston's Mistle Thrush.
  • "Super Refraction" is the second full-length album by former Boston, Massachusetts band Mistle Thrush. It was released in 1997 by Egg Records (catalog #7001).
  • This particular area is the quietest section of the park, and also sanctuary for birds such as blue tit, common chaffinch, mistle thrush and great spotted woodpecker, as well as many common species.
  • The album's title, "Stormcock", is an old English name for the Mistle thrush ("Turdus viscivorus").
  • Some birds have immunity to the poison and enjoy the berries, especially the mistle thrush which is named for its favourite food.

  • These range from small birds such as great tits and wrens to mistle thrush.
  • Beyond the presence of great crested newts, Grey Wagtails are known to breed in old river structures along the Gipping, including at Baylham Lock. Mistle Thrush and the Greater white-fronted goose have been spotted in recent years.
  • The badge was described in heraldic blazon as, "On a roundel paly of thirteen argent and azure a mistle thrush perched on a raspberry branch leaved and fructed proper."
  • There are many species of birds: Rock partridge, Griffon vulture, Eurasian golden oriole, Mistle thrush, including near threatened Cinereous vultures ("Aegypius monachus").
  • The mistle thrush is quite terrestrial, hopping with its head held up and body erect; when excited, it will flick its wings and tail.

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