 Translation for 'mosquito net' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a mosquito net | mosquito nets
противомоскитная сетка {ж}mosquito net
комар {м}
москит {м}
сеть {ж}net
фактическая заработная плата {ж} [за вычетом всех налогов]net pay
урожай {м} за вычетом семян
net yield
полное отсутствие {с} выбросов
net zero emissions {pl}
нетто {adj}net [e. g. about weight, income]
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Usage Examples English
  • It is said Ryōkan only slept with most of his body inside of a mosquito net so that he would not hurt the bugs outside.
  • It is possible to use a camp fire for warmth and cooking, provided that the loue is upwind. In the summertime, a mosquito net may be used for comfort.
  • At one point, during the fall of 1967, Kasler's captors took his clothes and his mosquito net.
  • They are traditionally dried in small ventilated rooms, with windows protected by a special mesh mosquito net.
  • These include taking appropriate chemoprophylaxis (either daily doxycycline or weekly chloroquinine) and reducing the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes by wearing long sleeved shirts, using insect repellant at dusk and sleeping under a mosquito net wherever possible.

  • She agrees to marry him, and accidentally realizes (when Pok-To unintentionally punches the mosquito net to repel the pests) that her "inch strike" is the key to defeat Flying Chimpanzee's "cotton belly".
  • A mosquito net is a type of meshed curtain that is circumferentially draped over a bed or a sleeping area, to offer the sleeper barrier protection against bites and stings from mosquitos, Indian literature from the late medieval period has references to the usage of mosquito nets in ritual Hindu worship.
  • Ibaan is known as the home of the "kulambo" (mosquito net), as its production and trading has become one of the most profitable businesses in the locality.
  • An optional dealer accessory was available to convert the open hatchback area into a recreational vehicle or camper with mosquito net windows.
  • Her book choice was "Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable" and her requested luxury item was a photograph of her family inside a book of Matt cartoons wrapped in a mosquito net.

  • In addition to this use, it can also be used as a mosquito net.
  • The current malaria control strategy in Ivory Coast aims to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality by increasing the proportion of the population sleeping under an insecticide-treated mosquito net, of pregnant women taking sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, and of malaria cases which are confirmed and treated in accordance with national guidelines.
  • And they are an affirmation of the real sensuality of women, which respectability nonetheless still attempts to hide or to repress (the curtain or the mosquito net).
  • Infected individuals should avoid mosquito exposure by staying indoors or using a mosquito net.
  • Some hammocks feature a mosquito net and storage pockets.

  • Some of these include: HIV/AIDS awareness clinics and outreach; Mosquito net distribution; Neighborhood cleanups; Sustainable mushroom cultivation; Informal sector worker organizing; Job and computer training; Development of the CSG Library; and Operation Tusaidiane, an ongoing indigenous community theater project.
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