 Translation for 'muezzin' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a muezzin | muezzins
SYNO muadhdhin | muazzin | muezzin
муэдзин {м}
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Translation for 'muezzin' from English to Russian

муэдзин {м}религ.
Usage Examples English
  • His father, originally from the Chaoui village of Djellal in the province of Khenchla, was the muezzin at the Djamaa el Kebir mosque in Algiers.
  • The 1991-1994 recording of Masjid al-Haram muezzin, "Sheikh" Ali Ahmed Mulla is best known for its use in various television and radio stations.
  • Wali Khan was infamous for his cruelty and if courtiers "raised their eyes" to him he would murder them, when the call to prayer was made by a muezzin and his voice was too loud the muezzin was murdered by Wali Khan.
  • "Mr. Suso / From Egypt" Sometimes-unfocused people in motion, to the muezzin's call, ghostly double-images of traffic, close-ups of faces, reflections in water.
  • The combination of the "lantern" with a developed balcony is somewhat unusual for a muezzin and therefore rare.

  • After that, he can be promoted to the rank of a muezzin and then imam, as was done in the past in the Algerian mosques and zawiyas.
  • The word 'minaret' is Arabic (منارة) and usually refers to a tower next to a mosque from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. However, it can also mean lighthouse.
  • Palestinian sources have stated that the structure was in fact a mosque built at the time of the Arab conquest in honour of Bilal ibn Rabah, an Ethiopian known in Islamic history as the first muezzin.
  • By the Decree of Prince Mihailo Obrenović from May 1868, The Minister of Education and Church Affairs was authorized to "give to khoja 240, and a muezzin 120 talirs a year", and the servants of the mosque had even income from real estate - waqf property.
  • The base of the minaret is rectangular, while the shaft is composed of two octagonal stories topped by the octagonal muezzin's gallery.

  • "Müezzin" is a 2009 Austrian-Turkish documentary film directed by Sebastian Brameshuber about the annual Turkish competition for the best muezzin.
  • The mosque is served by an imam and a muezzin. The building respects the traditional form of the Muslim cultural placements, decorated in the interior with oriental ornaments and inscriptions in Arabic.
  • In some mosques, there is a platform ("müezzin mahfil" in Turkish) opposite the minbar where the assistant of the Imam, the muezzin, stands during prayer.
  • The call of the muezzin is considered an art form, reflected in the melodious chanting of the adhan. In Turkey there is an annual competition to find the country's best muezzin.
  • The Mosque has all facilities including 4 classrooms, 10 itikaf rooms, rooms of imam and muezzin, discussion rooms and the fountain.

  • Dhafer Youssef was born in Téboulba (a small village of coastal Tunisia); his grandfather was a muezzin. He calls the radio "the most important school" for him.
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