 Translation for 'muff' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a muff | muffs
SYNO fumble | muff | to ball up | ...
муфта {ж}
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Translation for 'muff' from English to Russian

муфта {ж}одеж.
Usage Examples English
  • But the play was ruled a muff, and therefore a touchback.
  • The breed name comes from the feather arrangements on their heads (known as a muff or cowl) that look similar to the hoods that Jacobin monks wore.
  • One of the deciding plays in the World Series was a muffed fly ball by Giants outfielder Fred Snodgrass, which became known as the "$30,000 muff" in reference to the prize money for the winning team.
  • After all of this Zani overhears a couple talking about wanting to buy the fox at the zoo so the wife can turn it into a muff.
  • Caillaux's second wife Henriette was waiting for him, wearing a fur coat and with her hands in a fur muff.

  • Under American rules a fumble may be confused with a muff.
  • Punters may also impart a spin to the ball that makes it harder to catch, increasing the odds of a muff that may lead to the punter's team regaining possession.
  • Sleeve couplings are also known as box couplings. In this case shaft ends are coupled together and abutted against each other which are enveloped by "muff" or "sleeve".
  • The former has the cephalothorax armor divided into several plates, while the latter have the cephalothorax armor fused into a single "muff-like" unit.
  • He committed a crucial muff on a punt return in a playoff-game loss to the San Francisco 49ers on January 12, 2013, which resulted in a 49ers' touchdown.

  • Bullseye Art became well known for its humour with such cartoons as "Porkchops", which portrayed a talking donkey in surrealistic situations, and "Miss Muffy and the Muff Mob", about a band of rapping muffin-headed girls.
  • They may be referred to as an "overcoat" pistol, a "toby" or a "muff" pistol.
  • When taken off, the hat was often held above the forearm, between hand and elbow, or worn as a muff. When at home, the hats were preserved on wooden stands that were adorned with painted designs.
  • First the Oilers nearly botched receiving the second half kickoff, then the Raiders forced them to punt, only for the Raiders to muff the punt and give possession back to the Oilers.
  • After a masked carnival ball, Gerda Harrandt (Hilde von Stolz), wife of the surgeon Carl Ludwig Harrandt (), allows the fashionable artist Ferdinand Heideneck (Adolf Wohlbrück) to paint a portrait of her wearing only a mask and a muff.

  • For distortion, Scott uses an Electro-Harmonix bass big muff pi.
  • The woman has a white feather in her black hat, and is holding a white muff; her pallid white face is shown in profile, with prominent red lips and cheeks.
  • "Superfuzz Bigmuff Plus Early Singles" is a compilation album by the grunge band Mudhoney.
  • Washington punter Will Mahan muffed a snap on fourth down deep in the Huskies' zone on their first possession of the second half.
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