 Translation for 'mugwort' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a mugwort | mugworts
полынь {ж} [лат. Artemisia]
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Translation for 'mugwort' from English to Russian

полынь {ж} [лат. Artemisia]бот.T
Usage Examples English
  • The moth flies in two generations from mid-May to September and the larva feeds on yarrow and mugwort.
  • In the European Middle Ages, mugwort was used as a magical protective herb.
  • It is made from mochi and leaves of yomogi, also known as Japanese mugwort.
  • Seihi is well known in the region for a type of firm glutinous rice mixed with mugwort known as "yomogi kankoro" (蓬かんころ).
  • "Ssukcha" (...), also called mugwort tea or wormwood tea, is a traditional Korean tea made from Korean mugwort (called "ssuk" (...) in Korean).

  • The moth's main host plant in which they diapause is the mugwort although they also are found in the maize and hop stems.
  • Mugwort amongst other herbs was often bound into smudge sticks.
  • Other examples of sacred herbs include valerian, yarrow, hemp, and mugwort.
  • In China it is known as "huanghua ai" ([...] , literally yellow-flower mugwort).
  • Moxa tablets, which are disks of powdered mugwort used in Traditional Chinese medicine for moxibustion, are not incenses; the treatment is by heat rather than fragrance.

  • On the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese mugwort would often be inserted in the [...] to exorcise the Five Poisons. These perfume sachets are called [...] (...).
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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