12 translations
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Usage Examples English
- He distrusted Slavic nationalist movements as a threat to his multi-ethnic empire.
- Kollár's interest in linguistic and cultural diversity was aroused by the situation in his native multi-ethnic and multilingual Kingdom of Hungary and his roots among its Slovaks, and by the shifts that began to emerge after the gradual retreat of the Ottoman Empire in the more distant Balkans.
- The leadership of this multi-ethnic movement came to be dominated by leftist, Christian dissidents who spoke Tigrinya, Eritrea's predominant language.
- UNMIK oversaw the establishment of a professional, multi-ethnic Kosovo Police Service.
- His failure parallels the failure of the quarter itself, whose ancient structures as well as its multi-ethnic and multi-religious composition disintegrate.
- The city, however, retained its multi-ethnic character, a reflection of its importance as a trading post on the junction of the Via Regia and the Amber Road.
- B’Elanna's struggle to reconcile both sides of her Klingon/Human hybrid heritage has been praised by audiences of multi-ethnic backgrounds.
- They form a large part of Rotterdam's multi-ethnic and multicultural diversity.
- Historically, Poland's once diverse and multi-ethnic population utilized many forms of scripture to write Polish.
- For most of its history, Prague had been a multi-ethnic city The largest body of water is Hostivař Reservoir with [...].
- While himself an unashamed anglophile, Menzies' government concluded a number of major defence and trade treaties that set Australia on its post-war trajectory out of Britain's orbit; opened up Australia to multi-ethnic immigration; and instigated important legal reforms regarding Aboriginal Australians.
- The existence of the Ainu has challenged the notion of ethnic homogeneity in post-WWII Japan.
- Both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China hold the view that Chinese history should include all the ethnic groups of the lands held by the Qing dynasty during its territorial peak, with these ethnicities forming part of the "Zhonghua minzu" (Chinese nation).
- So many Han defected to the Qing and swelled the ranks of the Eight Banners that ethnic Manchus became a minority within the Banners, making up only 16% in 1648, with Han Bannermen dominating at 75%.
© dict.cc Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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