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Usage Examples English
- In 2012, Lebanese writer and director Lucien Bourjeily used improvisational theater techniques to create a multi-sensory play entitled "66 Minutes in Damascus".
- A multi-sensory room was constructed at the end of 1995 to provide various sensory stimulations and experiences for patients to enhance their quality of life.
- The Maritime Experiential Museum was opened on 15 October 2011 that features more than 400 artifacts and replicas with a 360-degree Multi-sensory Typhoon Theatre.
- Visual merchandising is a multi-sensory tool used by retailers to catch the attention of customers and attract them into a store to make a purchase.
- The school offers a curriculum based on the philosophical and pedagogical indications of Rudolf Steiner, designed to promote interdisciplinary and multi-sensory learning.
- Dedicated to Leonardo Sciascia, a symbol of the anti-mafia not rhetoric, using the language of art to talk about the Mafia in a provocative and unconventional way, through a multi-sensory, contrived to immerse the visitor in an extraordinary emotional process.
- In addition, his multi-sensory and experiential approach of creating a full event around the test was truly innovative for the time.
- The Sensorama was a machine that is one of the earliest known examples of immersive, multi-sensory (now known as multimodal) technology.
- The paper 'Multimedia materials for language and literacy learning' suggested that the "animation and special effects may improve the quality of the story model by providing multi-sensory cues to children with language and literacy disorders who might otherwise ignore important contextual information".
- Essilor's research department particularly concentrates on the combined progress of two complementary disciplines: optics and physiology, with particular recourse to virtual reality, a simulation tool that makes it possible to perceive and interact in 3D in a multi-sensory way.
- Multi sensory touch points are subconscious yet helps use to recognise brands through characteristic identified through human sensors.
- The specific combination of multi-sensory media invokes the "lwa" to leave the "vilokan" (abode of the "lwa") and possess the "oungan" during the ceremony.
- Blumenthal is regarded as a pioneer of multi-sensory cooking, food pairing and flavour encapsulation.
- Optical illusions, as well as multi-sensory illusions involving visual perception, can also be used in the monitoring and rehabilitation of some psychological disorders, including phantom limb syndrome Gestalt organization can be used to explain many illusions including the rabbit–duck illusion where the image as a whole switches back and forth from being a duck then being a rabbit and why in the figure–ground illusion the figure and ground are reversible.
- Together, the music, architecture and exhibition program provide a unique multi-sensory experience for music fans, artists, and families alike.
- It has a large sports hall, gym, multi-sensory room, outdoor football pitches, indoor and outdoor bowls facilities and a cafe.
- Many are drawing on ancient Christian resources recontextualised into the contemporary such as contemplation and contemplative forms of prayer, symbolic multi-sensory worship, story telling and many others.
- Hot media is high-definition communication that demands little involvement from the audience and concentrates on one sensory organ at a time.
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