 Translation for 'multiplicative' from English to Russian
NOUN   multiplicative | -
мультипликативная группа {ж}
multiplicative group
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Translation for 'multiplicative' from English to Russian

multiplicative group
мультипликативная группа {ж}мат.
Usage Examples English
  • In mathematics, a multiplicative cascade is a fractal/multifractal distribution of points produced via an iterative and multiplicative random process.
  • The Dirichlet convolution of two multiplicative functions is again multiplicative, and every not constantly zero multiplicative function has a Dirichlet inverse which is also multiplicative.
  • Multiplicative numerals consist of either 14 basic multiplicative numeral roots or 14 basic prefixes which can in principle be compounded to any word.
  • It is unknown if any additive-multiplicative magic squares smaller than 8×8 exist, but it has been proven that no 3×3 or 4×4 additive-multiplicative magic squares and no 3×3 additive-multiplicative semimagic squares exist.
  • In a ring, multiplicative inverses are not required to exist. A nonzero commutative ring in which every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse is called a field.

  • A multiplicative scrambler is recursive, and a multiplicative descrambler is non-recursive.
  • While the Dirichlet convolution of two multiplicative functions is multiplicative, the Dirichlet convolution of two completely multiplicative functions need not be completely multiplicative.
  • All of the terms in this formula are multiplicative, but not completely multiplicative.
  • Because of the multiplicative identity, if "f"("x") is a multiplicative function, then "f"(1) must be equal to 1.
  • The rejection of multiplicative interaction need not imply the rejection of non-multiplicative interaction, because there are many forms of interaction.

  • Equivalently, a multiplicative set is a submonoid of the multiplicative monoid of a ring.
  • Distributive multiplicative numbers are formed with the prefixes "magsi-", [...] , or [...] and a multiplicative cardinal number. Example: [...] , 'twice each'; [...] , 'each twice'.
  • A sub-multiplicative matrix norm [...] is said to be "minimal", if there exists no other sub-multiplicative matrix norm [...] satisfying [...].
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