Translation for '
multiset' from English to Russian
NOUN | multiset | multisets | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- If by multiset one considers equal items identical and simply counts them, then a multiset can be interpreted as a function from the input domain to the non-negative integers (natural numbers), generalizing the identification of a set with its indicator function.
- The multiset of eigenvalues of this matrix is called the Seidel spectrum.
- If the cumulative reference list of an author's oeuvre is determined as the multiset union of the documents that the author has co-authored, then the "author bibliographic coupling strength" of two authors (or more precisely, of their oeuvres) is defined as the size of the multiset intersection of their cumulative reference lists, however.
- In mathematics, the prime signature of a number is the multiset of (nonzero) exponents of its prime factorization.
- Explicitly this says that any multiset of 2"n" − 1 integers has a subset of size "n" the sum of whose elements is a multiple of "n", but that the same is not true of multisets of size 2"n" − 2.
- A merging operator can be expressed as a family of orderings over models, one for each possible multiset of knowledge bases to merge: the models of the result of merging a multiset of knowledge bases are the minimal models of the ordering associated to the multiset.
- In the HyperLogLog algorithm, a hash function is applied to each element in the original multiset to obtain a multiset of uniformly distributed random numbers with the same cardinality as the original multiset.
- Given a set "A", the free commutative monoid on "A" is the set of all finite multisets with elements drawn from "A", with the monoid operation being multiset sum and the monoid unit being the empty multiset.
- Combinatorics. 97 rules and 45 examples. Generating permutations (including of a multiset), combinations, partitions of a number, binomial coefficients, generalized Fibonacci numbers.
- The responses of all observers for an example is called a unit (it forms a multiset).
- In mathematics, the multiplicity of a member of a multiset is the number of times it appears in the multiset.
- Elements of a multiset are generally taken in a fixed set [...] , sometimes called a "universe", which is often the set of natural numbers.
- Then it holds that a multiset [...] is [...] -biased if and only if the linear code [...] , whose columns are exactly elements of [...] , is [...] -balanced.
- By considering the cases of axioms 1 and 2 in which the multiset [...] has two elements and the case of axiom 3 in which the multisets [...] , [...] , and [...] have one element each, one recovers the usual axioms for a metric.
- \noindent where [...] is a multiset and [...] , [...] are arbitrary membrane configurations.
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